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Created January 2, 2011 20:29
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[GM script]AutoPagerize Filter for NAVER matome / NAVERまとめに、AutoPagerizeが適用されるようにします。
// ==UserScript==
// @name AutoPagerize Filter for NAVER matome
// @namespace
// @description NAVERまとめに、AutoPagerizeが適用されるようにします。(Apply "AutoPagerize" to NAVER matome.)
// @include*
// @version 0.1
// ==/UserScript==
// Idea of this script based on "misc.AutoPagerize"(
// Thanks to id:os0x!
(function() {
// calculate next page URL.
function getNextPageURL(URL) {
if (/\?page=\d+/.exec(URL)) {
return URL.replace(/(\?page=)(\d+)/, function(d0, d1, d2) {
// ?page=2 -> ?page=3
return d1 + (Number(d2) + 1);
} else {
return URL += '?page=2';
// rewrite link to next page.
function naver(doc, URL){
var a = doc.evaluate('id("_pageNavigation")//a[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " mdPagination01Next ")]', doc, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
GM_log(URL + " / " + a.snapshotLength);
if (a.snapshotLength) {
a.snapshotItem(0).id = 'AutoPagerizeNextLink';
a.snapshotItem(0).href = getNextPageURL(URL);
// push filters.
function addFilterHandler() {
if (window.AutoPagerize.addDocumentFilter) {
if (window.AutoPagerize.launchAutoPager) {
var siteinfo = [{
url: '^http://matome\\.naver\\.jp/odai/\\d+',
nextLink: 'id("AutoPagerizeNextLink")',
pageElement: '//div[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " blMain00Body ")]',
exampleUrl: '',
// don't run in comment pages.
if (/^http:\/\/matome\.naver\.jp\/odai\/\d+[^\/]*$/.exec(location.href)) {
// execute rewriting.
naver(document, location.href);
// for AutoPagerize.
if (window.AutoPagerize) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('GM_AutoPagerizeLoaded', addFilterHandler, false);
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