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Last active December 19, 2015 13:59
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  • Save kuwabarahiroshi/5965706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kuwabarahiroshi/5965706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Be sure to run `pod spec lint CCBReader.podspec' to ensure this is a
# valid spec and remove all comments before submitting the spec.
# To learn more about the attributes see
# do |s| = "NSDictionary+XPath"
s.version = "0.0.2"
s.summary = "Get value from NSDictionary by XPath."
s.homepage = ""
s.license = 'unknown' = { "ktysne" => "[email protected]" }
s.source = { :git => "", :commit => "7db6edfce629275218768e222374ac7e72f6687a" }
s.platform = :ios, '5.0'
s.source_files = 'FastPhotoTweet/Additions/NSObject+EmptyCheck.{h,m}', 'FastPhotoTweet/Additions/NSDictionary+XPath.{h,m}'
s.requires_arc = false
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