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Last active December 24, 2015 20:59
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Save kuwabarahiroshi/6862273 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Invoke annonymous function on domready event.
// Declare page index to get via ajax request.
// This value will be incremented later.
var page = 2;
// Base URL to request.
// such as:
// May be you should modify this variable for testing
// such as: var url = ''
var url = location.href + '/?tag=update&page=';
// Register onClick event handler for matching elements of the selector `.more`
// Below code will be executed when `.more` element is clicked.
// append loading gif to $('#updates') element.
$('#updates').append($('<div class="loading"><img src="' + location.href + '/wp-content/themes/kobedenshi-top/images/loading.gif" /></div>'));
// Execute ajax request
url: url + page, // '' + '2'
dataType: 'html',
success: function(html /* this variable `html` contains resulting HTML of ajax request */){
// when ajax was successfull
// remove loading gif
$('#updates .loading').remove();
// append resulting HTML to $('#updates') element
// increment `page` variable to get next page.
complete: function(){
// regardless of whether or not ajax was successfull
// remove loading gif
$('#updates .loading').remove();
// init colorbox jQuery plugin for newly loaded contents.
$(".youtube .thumbnail a").colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:425, innerHeight:344});
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