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Last active October 15, 2021 12:04
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import json
import time
from dateutil import tz
import models
import db_utils
import telegram_client
class SberPriceMonitor():
_channel_url = ''
def _load_candels_from_moex():
ticker = 'SBER'
from_ ='%Y-%m-%d')
till = from_
interval = 1
# отладка
# from_ = '2021-10-10'
# till = '2021-10-13'
result_df = pd.DataFrame()
for start in range(0, 10000000000, 500):
query = f'{ticker}/candles.csv?from={from_}&till={till}&interval={interval}&start={start}'
df = None
try_count = 1
timeout = 2
while df is None:
content = requests.get(query, timeout=timeout).content
df = pd.read_csv(
except Exception as e:
print(f'{__name__} Error: Try count: {try_count}. Timeout: {timeout}. Error message: {str(e)}')
timeout = min(timeout * 2, 20)
if df.shape[0]:
result_df = result_df.append(df, ignore_index=True)
return result_df
# row - строка из dataframe
def _build_message(self, row) -> str:
# data = json.loads(df_final.iloc[-1:].to_json(orient='records', date_format = 'iso'))[0]
# text = json.dumps(data, indent=0)[2:][:-2]
# return text
end = row['end']
close = row['close']
step = row['step']
step_prev_1 = row['step_prev_1']
simvol = '⏹'
if step > 0:
simvol = '↗️'
elif step < 0:
simvol = '↘️'
return f'{end.to_pydatetime().strftime("%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y %Z")}\n{close} ({simvol} {step})'
def loop(self):
timeout = 60
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
step = 0.01
last_send_datetime = None
while True:
print(f'{__name__}: loop')
df = db_utils.last_rows_from_sql_table(table_name=models.SberCandels.__tablename__, rows=2000)
print(f'{__name__}: df rows count ={len(df.index)}')
dt_now = datetime.combine(datetime.utcnow().date(), datetime.min.time())
# dt_now = dt_now.astimezone(tz.UTC)
# отладка
# date_time_obj = datetime.strptime('14.10.21 14:55:19', '%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S')
# dt_now = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time())
mask = (df['begin'].dt.tz_localize(None) >= np.datetime64(dt_now))
df = df.loc[mask]
print(f'{__name__}: df rows count after filter ={len(df.index)}')
# Оставляем только сегодняшние строки
# df.loc[df['begin'] == pd.to_datetime('today').normalize()]
# print(df.iloc()[:1])
if not df.empty:
df.drop(columns=['begin','high','low','value','volume'], inplace=True)
df['end'] += pd.to_timedelta(1, unit='s')
df['frac'] = (df['close'] / df['open'].iloc[0]) - 1
df['step'] = np.nan
for val in range(0, 20):
df.loc[(df['frac'] >= val*step) & (df['frac'] < (val+1)*step), 'step'] = val*step
for val in range(-20, 0):
df.loc[(df['frac'] >= val*step) & (df['frac'] < (val+1)*step), 'step'] = (val+1)*step
df['step_prev_1'] = df['step'].shift(1).fillna(0)
df['step_prev_2'] = df['step'].shift(2).fillna(0)
df['step_prev_3'] = df['step'].shift(3).fillna(0)
df['step_prev_4'] = df['step'].shift(4).fillna(0)
df['step_prev_5'] = df['step'].shift(5).fillna(0)
df_final = df.loc[
(df['step'] == df['step_prev_1']) &
(df['step'] == df['step_prev_2']) &
(df['step'] == df['step_prev_3']) &
(df['step'] == df['step_prev_4']) &
(df['step'] != df['step_prev_5']),
df_final['step_prev_1'] = df_final['step'].shift(1).fillna(0)
df_final = df_final.loc[df_final['step'] != df_final['step_prev_1']]
print(f'{__name__}: df_final rows count ={len(df_final.index)}')
if not df_final.empty and last_send_datetime != df_final.iloc[-1]['end']:
# debug code block
# print(f'{__name__}: df_final\n{df_final}')
# df_final.to_csv('df_final.csv', sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')
# # telegram_bot.send_document_to_user('df_final.csv')
# print(f'{__name__}: df_final.csv was sent')
row = df_final.iloc[-1]
text = _build_message(row)
print(f'{__name__}: post publication')
print(f'{__name__}: post successfully published')
last_send_datetime = df_final.iloc[-1]['end']
def run(self):
while True:
# telegram_client.post_message_to_channel(
# message='Monitor restarted',
# channel_url=self._channel_url
# )
except Exception as e:
print(f'{__name__}: EXCEPTION: {str(e)}')
monitor = SberPriceMonitor()
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