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Last active July 22, 2022 12:21
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Godot 3 Infinite Tilemap Chunked World Generation with O(n) Clearance-Based Pathfinding (AA*)
extends Node2D
export var __CHUNK_SIZE = Vector2(32, 32)
export var __SIMPLEX: OpenSimplexNoise =
var __tile_weight = {}
# World Generation
func __world_global_to_chunk (pos):
pos = $TileMap.world_to_map(pos)
pos += __CHUNK_SIZE / 2
pos /= __CHUNK_SIZE
return pos.floor()
func __world_chunk_to_map (pos):
pos *= __CHUNK_SIZE
pos -= __CHUNK_SIZE / 2
return pos
func __world_chunk_exists (chunk_pos):
return AL_Utils.TilemapHasCell($TileMap, __world_chunk_to_map(chunk_pos))
func __world_update_tile_navigation (pos):
__tile_weight[pos] = 1
var check = pos + Vector2(-1, -1)
if __tile_weight.has(check):
var new_weight = __tile_weight[check]
var max_ofs = new_weight
for ofs in range(1, new_weight + 1):
if not __tile_weight.has(pos - Vector2(ofs, 0)):
max_ofs = ofs - 1
if not __tile_weight.has(pos - Vector2(0, ofs)):
max_ofs = ofs - 1
__tile_weight[pos] += max_ofs
func __world_update_chunk_navigation (chunk_pos):
var map_pos = __world_chunk_to_map(chunk_pos)
for x in range(map_pos.x, map_pos.x + __CHUNK_SIZE.x):
for y in range(map_pos.y, map_pos.y + __CHUNK_SIZE.y):
var pos = Vector2(x, y)
if __tile_weight.has(pos):
func __world_generate_chunk (chunk_pos):
# chunk already generated
if __world_chunk_exists(chunk_pos):
var map_pos = __world_chunk_to_map(chunk_pos)
for x in range(map_pos.x, map_pos.x + __CHUNK_SIZE.x):
for y in range(map_pos.y, map_pos.y + __CHUNK_SIZE.y):
var pos = Vector2(x, y)
var noise = __SIMPLEX.get_noise_2d(x, y)
var is_water = (noise < 0.01)
var is_sand = (noise < 0.05)
var is_traversable = (not is_water)
if is_water:
AL_Utils.TilemapSetRandomCell($TileMap, pos, "water_1", "water_2")
elif is_sand:
AL_Utils.TilemapSetRandomCell($TileMap, pos, "sand_1", "sand_2")
AL_Utils.TilemapSetRandomCell($TileMap, pos, "grass_1", "grass_2")
if is_traversable:
var chunk_pos_down = chunk_pos + Vector2.DOWN
var chunk_pos_right = chunk_pos + Vector2.RIGHT
if __world_chunk_exists(chunk_pos_down):
if __world_chunk_exists(chunk_pos_right):
func _ready ():
__SIMPLEX.seed = randi()
for x in [-1,0,1]:
for y in [-1,0,1]:
__world_generate_chunk(Vector2(x, y))
# AutoLoad
extends Node
func TilemapHasCell (tilemap, pos):
return tilemap.get_cellv(pos) >= 0
func TilemapSetCell (tilemap, pos, tile_name):
tilemap.set_cellv(pos, tilemap.tile_set.find_tile_by_name(tile_name))
func TilemapSetRandomCell (tilemap, pos, tile_name_1, tile_name_2):
if randf() < 0.5 : TilemapSetCell(tilemap, pos, tile_name_1)
else : TilemapSetCell(tilemap, pos, tile_name_2)
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