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Forked from jaredpalmer/postinstall.js
Created May 9, 2019 23:47
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React Native Web x TypeScript

React Native Web x TypeScript

Assuming you have already aliased react-native to react-native-web in webapack (this is done for you in CRA and Razzle), go ahead and add these deps to your project.

yarn add react-native-web
yarn add @types/react-native --dev

We are going to monkeypatch the React Native types so they can be used with TypeScript without conflicting with @types/node and append typings specific to RN Web.

Add a postinstall task to your package.json that calls node postinstall.js.

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "node ./postinstall.js"

And copy postinstall.js into your project's root.

I have gone through the joyous task of adding types for RN web for you.

// ./postinstall.js
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const RN_TSD = __dirname + '/node_modules/@types/react-native/index.d.ts';
const raw = fs.readFileSync(RN_TSD);
// Fix @types/node conflict
// @see
// @see
raw.toString().replace('declare global', 'declare namespace RemovedGlobals')
// Add React Native Web Types to @types/react-native.
if (!raw.includes('REACT-NATIVE-WEB TYPINGS')) {
`dismiss: () => void;\n}`,
`dismiss: () => void;\n}
export interface ImageProperties {
* When false, the image will not be draggable
* @platform web
draggable?: boolean;
export interface TextInputProperties {
* Indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser
* @platform web
autoComplete?: string;
export interface SwitchProperties {
* The color of the thumb grip when the switch is turned on.
* @platform web
activeThumbColor?: string;
* The color of the track when the switch is turned on.
* @platform web
activeTrackColor?: string;
* The color of the thumb grip when the switch is turned off.
* @platform web
thumbColor?: string;
* The color of the track when the switch is turned off.
* @platform web
trackColor?: string;
export interface TextStyle {
/** @platform web */
fontFeatureSettings?: string;
/** @platform web */
textIndent?: string;
/** @platform web */
textOverflow?: string;
/** @platform web */
textRendering?: string;
/** @platform web */
textTransform?: string;
/** @platform web */
unicodeBidi?: string;
/** @platform web */
wordWrap?: string;
* TextInput only!
* @platform web
resize?: string;
export interface ViewStyle {
/** @platform web */
animationDelay?: string;
/** @platform web */
animationDirection?: string;
/** @platform web */
animationDuration?: string;
/** @platform web */
animationFillMode?: string;
/** @platform web */
animationName?: string | Array<Object>;
/** @platform web */
animationIterationCount?: number | "infinite";
/** @platform web */
animationPlayState?: string;
/** @platform web */
animationTimingFunction?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundAttachment?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundBlendMode?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundClip?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundImage?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundOrigin?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundPosition?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundRepeat?: string;
/** @platform web */
backgroundSize?: string;
/** @platform web */
boxShadow?: string;
/** @platform web */
boxSizing?: string;
/** @platform web */
clip?: string;
/** @platform web */
cursor?: string;
/** @platform web */
filter?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridAutoColumns?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridAutoFlow?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridAutoRows?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridColumnEnd?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridColumnGap?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridColumnStart?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridRowEnd?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridRowGap?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridRowStart?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridTemplateColumns?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridTemplateRows?: string;
/** @platform web */
gridTemplateAreas?: string;
/** @platform web */
outline?: string;
/** @platform web */
outlineColor?: string;
/** @platform web */
overflowX?: string;
/** @platform web */
overflowY?: string;
/** @platform web */
overscrollBehavior?: "auto" | "contain" | "none";
/** @platform web */
overscrollBehaviorX?: "auto" | "contain" | "none";
/** @platform web */
overscrollBehaviorY?: "auto" | "contain" | "none";
/** @platform web */
perspective?: string;
/** @platform web */
perspectiveOrigin?: string;
/** @platform web */
touchAction?: string;
/** @platform web */
transformOrigin?: string;
/** @platform web */
transitionDelay?: string;
/** @platform web */
transitionDuration?: string;
/** @platform web */
transitionProperty?: string;
/** @platform web */
transitionTimingFunction?: string;
/** @platform web */
userSelect?: string
/** @platform web */
visibility?: string;
/** @platform web */
willChange?: string;
export interface TextProperties {
* Allows assistive technologies to present and support interaction with the view in a manner that is consistent with user expectations for similar views of that type. For example, marking a touchable view with an accessibilityRole of button. For compatibility with React Native accessibilityTraits and accessibilityComponentType are mapped to accessibilityRole. (This is implemented using ARIA roles.)
* @platform web
accessibilityRole?: 'button' | 'heading' | 'label' | 'link' | 'listitem';
export interface CheckBoxProps extends ViewProperties {
* Invoked with the event when the value changes.
* @platform web
onChange?: Function;
* Invoked with the new value when the value changes.
* @platform web
onValueChange?: Function;
* The value of the checkbox. If \`true\` the checkbox will be checked.
* @platform web
value?: boolean;
* If true, the user won't be able to interact with the checkbox.
* @platform web
disabled?: boolean;
* Customize the color of the checkbox.
* @platform web
color?: string;
export interface CheckBoxStatic extends React.ComponentClass<CheckBoxProps> {}
export type CheckBox = CheckBoxStatic;
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