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Last active February 7, 2019 18:30
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WE1 - Practice Debugging with RSpec supporting us.

Practice Debugging With RSpec

Debugging... Ahh, the life blood of developers. Okay let's get straight to work!

This gist contains individual exercises (one per file) for you to work through, in order. Fork and clone it and run through each file (in order) and fix the bugs in the code.

For now, we are keeping both the logic code and the test code for each exercise in one file. This is for simplicity since the code is minimal. Normally though, rspec tests would be in a separate file.

To run a particular exercise, run the file using the rspec command. Example:

rspec 1_hello_world.rb

Important Note: Don't attempt to modify/fix the test (Rspec) code. The bugs in these challenges are always in the logic code, not the test code. Consider the test code documentation for defining how the logic code is expected to behave.

require 'rspec'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.color_enabled = true
### LOGIC (fix me)
def hello(who)
"hello #{who}"
### TEST CODE (don't touch me)
describe "#hello" do
it "returns 'hello world!' when 'world' is passed in" do
result = hello('world')
result.should eq('hello world!')
require 'rspec'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.color_enabled = true
### LOGIC (fix me)
# Returns the average of all the numbers in the array
def average(numbers)
sum = 0
numbers.each do |n|
sum += n
sum / numbers.size
### TEST CODE (don't touch me)
describe "#average" do
it "returns nil for empty array" do
result = average([])
result.should eq(0)
it "returns nil when nil is passed in" do
result = average(nil)
result.should be_nil
it "returns 4 for 3,4,5" do
result = average([3,4,5])
result.should eq(4)
it "can handle numbers represented as strings" do
result = average([10,'20',30])
result.should eq(20)
it "can handle floats" do
result = average([1.0,1.5,2.0])
result.should eq(1.5)
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johnnyji commented Apr 5, 2015


Hey Khurram,

There have been some updates:

RSpec.configure do |config| config.color_enabled = true end no longer works, the updated version is:

RSpec.configure do |config| config.color = true end

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