Non-exhaustive list of third-party libraries I use on most projects, including Lexic.
- Counter culture: improvements over the standard counter cache behavior in Rails.
- Devise: one-stop show for user authentication, verification, password reset, etc.
- Discard: non-intrusive soft-delete for ActiveRecord models.
- Goldiloader: automagic eager-loading for ActiveRecord queries (conditions may apply).
- GraphQL Ruby: GraphQL server for Ruby apps.
- Groupdate: easily query AR objects by date or time (with timezone support).
- High voltage: simple static page support for Rails apps.
- jsRoutes: exports your Rails route methods to JS front-end.
- i18nJs: exports your translations to JS front-end.
- Meta Tags: convenient per-controller action meta tags support.
- OJ: faster JSON serializing.
- Order Query: cursor-based pagination.
- PG Search: full-text search for postgreSQL.
- Pundit: authorization framework.
- Sanitize: custom HTML sanitation.
- Shrine: upload toolkit.
- Webpacker: webpack integration for Rails apps.
- BlueprintJS: common components for React.
- Apollo: GraphQL client.
- Axios: promise-based HTTP client.
- Immutability helper: easier & cleaner mutations (e.g. in redux reducers).
- Lodash: many utility functions.
- Redux: state management.
- Re-reselect: selector functions for your state.
- React Waypoint: do things when the waypoint enters the screen (e.g. infinite scroll).