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Ultimate Member - adding custom fields in account page and tab
/* Add fields to account page */
add_action('um_after_account_general', 'showExtraFields', 100);
function showExtraFields()
$custom_fields = [
"alternate_email" => "Permanent E-mail Address",
"major" => "Major",
"minor" => "Minor",
"gpa" => "GPA",
"graduation_year" => "Graduation Year",
"graduation_season" => "Graduation Season",
"gpa" => "GPA",
"phone_number" => "Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX)",
"address_1" => "Permanent Address 1",
"address_2" => "Permanent Address 2",
"city" => "City",
"state" => "State",
"zip_code" => "Zip Code"
foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $value) {
$fields[ $key ] = array(
'title' => $value,
'metakey' => $key,
'type' => 'select',
'label' => $value,
apply_filters('um_account_secure_fields', $fields, 'general' );
$field_value = get_user_meta(um_user('ID'), $key, true) ? : '';
$html = '<div class="um-field um-field-'.$key.'" data-key="'.$key.'">
<div class="um-field-label">
<label for="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</label>
<div class="um-clear"></div>
<div class="um-field-area">
<input class="um-form-field valid "
type="text" name="'.$key.'"
id="'.$key.'" value="'.$field_value.'"
data-validate="" data-key="'.$key.'">
echo $html;
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