Started: 1.3.2017
- Fitness Tracker:
- CalcEngine Java Tutorial:
- Added mocha/chai and test scripts
- Added initial test for AUTH_USER in auth reducer.
- Debugged testing errors: use deep.equals not equals.
- Added tests for auth and selector reducers.
- Added tests for workout reducer.
- Attempted to implement test for auth async action using Nock.js; not working yet.
- Pluralsight Tutorials on Java: Create Calculator
Got job offer from Nike; life went crazy, took one week off. =============
- Added enumerated commands (enum) for calculator functions
- Added exception handling for bad inputs
- Implemented dynamic interface for math commands.
- An interface is an abstraction of requirements class methods and fields, but does not offer implementation. Implementation is handled by a class that implements the interface, by way of @Override methods (and/or fields).
- Studied static members and nested types, but no CalcEngine implementation.
- Input and output stream basics.
- I/O stream exception handling: try-with-resources set up.