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Created September 26, 2013 16:29
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A grid for durandal
<table class="paging-container grid-table" data-bind="grid: gridConfig">
<tbody class="grid-body" data-part="body" data-bind="foreach: { data: currentPageRows, as: 'row' }" >
<tr class="grid-row" data-bind="css: { 'grid-row-odd': $index() % 2 == 1 }">
<td class="grid-column-details" data-bind="click: $root.showJobDetails"><img class="info-btn" src="/Content/images/locationMoreInfoIcon.png"/></td>
<td class="grid-column-isNew" data-bind="if: isNew"><img src="Content/images/newJobStarHH.png"/></td>
<td class="grid-column-startDate" data-bind="text: startDate().format('{MM}/{dd}/{yyyy}')"></td>
<td class="grid-column-category" data-bind="text: jobCategory"></td>
<td class="grid-column-term" data-bind="text: term"></td>
<td class="grid-column-shift" data-bind="text: shiftStart"></td>
<td class="grid-column-type" data-bind="text: jobType"></td>
<td class="grid-column-spec" data-bind="text: specialty"></td>
<td class="grid-column-site" data-bind="text: hospital"></td>
<td class="grid-column-unit" data-bind="text: unit"></td>
<td class="grid-column-loc" data-bind="text: location"></td>
<td class="grid-column-rate" data-bind="text: '$' + bestRate() + '/hr'"></td>
<td class="grid-column-status" data-bind="command: action">
<button class="btn" data-bind="css: status().toLowerCase() + '_btn'"></button>
define(['durandal/app', 'knockout', 'services/jobs', 'job/jobDetail'], function (app, ko, jobService, JobDetail) {
return function JobsGrid() {
var self = this; = ko.observableArray();
self.activate = function() {
return jobService.getAgencyNurseJobs().then(function(jobs) {
//app.log('jobs page setup', jobs);;
.fail(function(error) {
self.showJobDetails = function(job) {;
self.gridConfig = {
pageSize: 13,
columns: [
{ header: '', property: '', canSort: false },
{ header: '', property: 'isNew', canSort: false },
{ header: 'Start Date', property: 'startDate' },
{ header: 'Category', property: 'jobCategory' },
{ header: 'Term', property: 'term' },
{ header: 'Shift Start', property: 'shiftStart' },
{ header: 'Job Type', property: 'jobType' },
{ header: 'Specialty', property: 'specialty' },
{ header: 'Work Site', property: 'hospital' },
{ header: 'Unit', property: 'unit' },
{ header: 'Location', property: 'location' },
{ header: 'Best Rate', property: 'bestRate' },
{ header: 'Status', property: 'status', sort: function(a, b) { return a.jobStatus() < b.jobStatus() ? -1 : 1; } }
<thead class="grid-columns" data-part="header">
<tr class="grid-column" data-part="headerRow" data-bind="foreach: columns">
<th class="grid-header-cell" data-bind="click: $parent.setSortColumn">
<span data-bind="text: header"></span>
<!-- ko if: $data == $parent.sortColumn() -->
<img class="sort-btn" data-bind="attr: { src: 'Content/images/' + ($parent.sortDesc() ? 'sort-asc.gif' : 'sort-desc.gif') }" alt=""/>
<!-- /ko -->
<tbody class="grid-body" data-bind="foreach: { data: currentPageRows, as: 'row' }" data-part="body">
<tr data-bind="foreach: $parent.columns" data-part="bodyRow">
<td data-bind="text: $parents[1].getColumnText($data, row)"></td>
<tr data-part="footer">
<td class="grid-footer" data-bind="attr: { colspan: columns().length }">
<button class="btn-page" data-bind="click: pageToFirst">First</button>
<button class="btn-page" data-bind="command: pageBackward">Prev</button>
<!-- ko foreach: pageButtons -->
<button class="btn-page" data-bind="css: { 'btn-page-active' : isActive }, click: $parent.goToPage, text: name"></button>
<!-- /ko -->
<button class="btn-page" data-bind="command: pageForward">Next</button>
<button class="btn-page" data-bind="click: pageToLast">Last</button>
define(['durandal/app', 'knockout'], function (app, ko) {
This widget can only be bound on a <Table> element in the DOM
Overridding it's parts can only be done if the un-"processed" <Table> would have legal HTML structure
Otherwise it will not render correctly in IE
return function Grid() {
var self = this,
rows = ko.observableArray();
self.columns = ko.observableArray();
self.activate = function(config) {
//app.log('grid setup', config);
var columns = config.columns,
pageSize = config.pageSize || 10,
alwaysShowPaging = config.alwaysShowPaging || true,
pageSizeOptions = config.pageSizeOptions || [25, 50, 75, 100],
showPageSizeOptions = config.showPageSizeOptions || false;
self.getColumnText = function(column, row) {
if (!
return '';
return ko.unwrap(row[]);
var customSort;
self.sortDesc = ko.observable(true);
self.sortColumn = ko.observable({});
self.setSortColumn = function (column) {
if (column.canSort === false)
//If column.sort is undefined, it will clear the customSort, which is what we want in that case
customSort = column.sort;
//Switch if column is same, otherwise set to true
self.sortDesc(column == self.sortColumn() ? !self.sortDesc() : true);
var standardSort = function(a, b, sortProperty) {
var propA = ko.unwrap(a[sortProperty]),
propB = ko.unwrap(b[sortProperty]);
if (propA == propB)
return 0;
return propA < propB ? -1 : 1;
self.sortedRows = ko.computed(function () {
//The reason we have to read AND unwrap the rows is because rows is observable
//But the data is was passed through activate is its content, which may ALSO be observable
//It's admittedly a bit strange, but it makes the external API the simplest
//If a layer before sorting every gets introduced (like filtering), this "double" needs to go there
var sorted = ko.unwrap(rows()),
sortDirection = self.sortDesc() ? 1 : -1,
sortProperty = self.sortColumn().property || '';
if (sortProperty === '' )
return sorted;
var sort;
if (customSort)
sort = function(a, b) { return customSort(a, b) * sortDirection; };
sort = function (a, b) { return standardSort(a, b, sortProperty) * sortDirection; };
return sorted.sort(sort);
}).extend({ throttle: 10 }); //Throttle so that sortColumn and direction don't cause double update, it flickers
self.pageSize = ko.observable(20);
self.pageIndex = ko.observable(0);
self.pageSizeOptions = ko.observableArray();
self.alwaysShowPaging = ko.observable(true);
self.showPageSizeOptions = ko.observable(false);
self.lastPageIndex = ko.computed(function () {
return Math.max(Math.ceil(self.sortedRows().length / self.pageSize()) - 1, 0);
self.pageCurrentNumber = ko.computed(function () {
return self.pageIndex() + 1;
self.pageToFirst = function() {
self.pageToLast = function() {
self.pageForward = ko.command({
execute: function() {
self.pageIndex(self.pageIndex() + 1);
canExecute: function() {
return self.pageIndex() < self.lastPageIndex();
self.pageBackward = ko.command({
execute: function () {
self.pageIndex(self.pageIndex() - 1);
canExecute: function () {
return self.pageIndex() > 0;
self.currentPageRows = ko.computed({
read: function () {
var pageSize = self.pageSize(),
pageStartIndex = self.pageIndex() * self.pageSize(),
sortedRows = self.sortedRows();
if (self.pageIndex() == self.lastPageIndex())
return sortedRows.slice(pageStartIndex);
return sortedRows.slice(pageStartIndex, pageStartIndex + pageSize - 1);
deferEvaluation: true
var pageCount = 5; //Max index, 5 pages
//The buttons for paginiation
//Will be buttons for up to 5 pages, with a selected page
//Selected page will be in the middle, when possible
self.pageButtons = ko.computed(function() {
var current = self.pageIndex().toNumber(),
last = self.lastPageIndex().toNumber(),
top = last,
bottom = 0;
if (current === 0) {
//Get current to either the last page, or pageCount from current
top = Math.min(pageCount - 1, last);
} else if (current === last) {
//Get from either the first page, or pageCount less than current, to current
bottom = Math.max(0, current - pageCount + 1);
} else {
//If it fits, we want pageCount buttons with current in the middle
//If it won't fit, we want the smaller of pageCount or the total number of pages
//Because we don't want the number of buttons to shrink in the latter case
var padding = Math.floor(pageCount / 2);
bottom = Math.max(0, current - padding);
top = Math.min(last, current + padding);
//There is room to pad more, and we don't have pageCount buttons
while (top - bottom !== pageCount - 1 && (last > padding || bottom > 0)) {
if (top < last)
return (bottom).upto(top).map(function(n) {
return { name: n + 1, isActive: n === current };
self.goToPage = function(page) {
self.pageIndex(parseInt(, 10) - 1);
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the command: action bit... what are your thoughts on having drop-down lists here? For some of my stuff, i'm in need of providing a menu for "advanced" features.

KOGrid looked dead, and I didn't really want to use a "framework" looking grid like Wijmo or whatever... and I really, REALLY wanted to use OData and support as much of those bits as available on the UI.

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