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Created November 1, 2022 18:58
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  approved[PR Passes CI<br/>and<br/>Two PR Review Approvals] --->|Announce deployment 15 min<br/>ahead of planned deploy<br/>in #deployment| mergeRepoPR[Merge PR into repo master]
  mergeRepoPR ---> prActions(Github action `create-release` is triggered<br/>tags branch for release<br/>creates release<br/>)
  prActions --->|notifies AppState of release| appStateActions(AppState Github action creates deployment)
  appStateActions --->|Post AppState PR <br/>to get final AppState approval<br/>in #pull_requests| merge[Merge the AppState PR<br/>at the originally indicated deployment window]
  merge ---> |Monitor the deploy as indicated<br/>in the AppState PR description| determine[Determine deployment outcome]
  determine --->|If unsuccessful| rollback[Perform a roll-back]
  determine --->|On successfull deployment| announce[Announce successful deployment<br/>in the same #deployments thread] 
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