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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Examples of strings that pass: {}, [], (), a(b)c, abc[d], a(b)c{d[e]}
Examples of strings that don’t pass: {], (], a(b]c, abc[d}, a(b)c{d[e}]
import Control.Monad(foldM,mapM_)
isHead _ [] = False
isHead x xs = x == head xs
balanced = maybe False null . foldM read []
read xs s
| s `elem` ['{','(','['] = Just $ s:xs
| s `elem` ['}',')',']'] = if (inv s) `isHead` xs then Just $ tail xs else Nothing
| otherwise = Just xs
inv '}' = '{'
inv ')' = '('
inv ']' = '['
pass = [ "{}", "[]", "()", "a(b)c", "abc[d]", "a(b)c{d[e]}" ]
fails = [ "{]", "(]", "a(b]c", "abc[d}", "a(b)c{d[e}]" ]
expectPass = zip pass (repeat True)
expectFails = zip fails (repeat False)
main = mapM_ test $ expectPass ++ expectFails
test (str,expect) = let r = balanced str
in putStrLn $ "balanced " ++ str ++ " = " ++ (show r) ++ ", expected " ++ (show expect)
{- outputs:
balanced {} = True, expected True
balanced [] = True, expected True
balanced () = True, expected True
balanced a(b)c = True, expected True
balanced abc[d] = True, expected True
balanced a(b)c{d[e]} = True, expected True
balanced {] = False, expected False
balanced (] = False, expected False
balanced a(b]c = False, expected False
balanced abc[d} = False, expected False
balanced a(b)c{d[e}] = False, expected False
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