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Created November 21, 2013 20:26
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Shopify: Show all numbers in pagination
{% assign count = paginate.pages %}
{% for part in (1..count) %}
<li {% if paginate.current_page == part %}class="active"{% endif %}><a href="{{ collection.url }}?page={{ forloop.index }}">{{ forloop.index }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
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I use this filters module to display my products, do you know a way to make it work with your gist ?

Thanks !

— G

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Thanks for the above code.

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While I appreciate this simplistic approach, I found an issue with the search page. Since the search adds a q=search parameter, the query parameter would be lost when changing pages since the href is hardcoded in your example.

I published an updated gist that retains the query parameter by using the generated links:

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