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Last active May 7, 2022 02:40
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Attempt at a Qwik useUrlParams
import {
} from "";
export const ranAlready = new Set<any>();
export function useUrlParams<STATE extends object>(initialState: STATE): STATE {
const params = useStore<STATE>(initialState);
useWatch$((track) => {
if (!ranAlready.has(params)) {
// Skip first time - haven't had a chance to load the searchParams yet.
// put code to update ``
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
for (const k in params) {
url.searchParams.set(k, (params as any)[k]);
window.history.pushState({}, "", url);
useClientEffect$(() => {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
url.searchParams.forEach((v, k) => ((params as any)[k] = v));
// TODO listen to the `` change, IF we want multiple
// instances of this mechanism to act as an implicit communication channel
useServerMount$(() => {
// This part not tested yet because I don't have a working SSR setup with current mainline yet.
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
url.searchParams.forEach((v, k) => ((params as any)[k] = v));
return params;
// TODO handle serializable non-strings in a way that roundtrips to the search
// params and gets the same types back; perhaps borrow from:
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