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Created December 9, 2012 05:58
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Project Euler #24 in Go - Answer: [2 7 8 3 9 1 5 4 6 0]
package main
import (
const Max = 10
const Index = 1000000
func main() {
numbers := make([]byte, 0, Max)
for i := 0; i < Max; i++ {
numbers = append(numbers, byte(i))
result = make(chan [Max]byte, 1)
index = 0
perm(numbers, 0, len(numbers))
if len(result) > 0 {
var index int
var result chan [Max]byte
func perm(numbers []byte, lo, hi int) {
if index > Index {
if hi-lo < 2 {
if index++; index == Index {
var p [Max]byte
copy(p[:], numbers)
result <- p
for i := 1; i < hi-lo+1; i++ {
rotateR(numbers, lo, lo+i)
perm(numbers, lo+1, hi)
rotateL(numbers, lo, lo+i)
func rotateL(numbers []byte, lo, hi int) {
for i := lo + 1; i < hi; i++ {
numbers[i-1], numbers[i] = numbers[i], numbers[i-1]
func rotateR(numbers []byte, lo, hi int) {
for i := hi - 1; i > lo; i-- {
numbers[i-1], numbers[i] = numbers[i], numbers[i-1]
package main
import (
const Max = 10
const Index = 1000000
func main() {
digits := make([]byte, 0, Max)
for i := byte(0); i < Max; i++ {
digits = append(digits, i)
rem := Index - 1
res := make([]byte, 0, Max)
for i := Max - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
f := fact(i)
quo := rem / f
rem = rem % f
res = append(res, digits[quo])
digits = append(digits[:quo], digits[quo+1:]...)
func fact(n int) int {
if n < 2 {
return 1
return n * fact(n-1)
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