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Created February 25, 2021 06:01
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Linked Hash Map in Generic Go (go2go)
package main
import (
type Pair[K, V any] struct {
Key K
Value V
type LinkedHashMap[K comparable, V any] struct {
byKey map[K]*LinkedListNode[Pair[K, V]]
ordered LinkedList[Pair[K, V]]
func (lhm *LinkedHashMap[K, V]) Set(k K, v V) (orig V, existed bool) {
if lhm.byKey == nil {
lhm.byKey = make(map[K]*LinkedListNode[Pair[K, V]])
link(&lhm.ordered.Head, &lhm.ordered.Tail)
prev, existed := lhm.byKey[k].Delete()
orig = prev.Value
lhm.byKey[k] = lhm.ordered.Tail.InsertBefore(Pair[K, V]{k, v})
func (lhm *LinkedHashMap[K, V]) Get(k K) (v V, ok bool) {
n, ok := lhm.byKey[k]
v = n.Value.Value
func (lhm *LinkedHashMap[K, V]) Delete(k K) (v V, ok bool) {
n, ok := lhm.byKey[k].Delete()
v = n.Value
delete(lhm.byKey, k)
func (lhm *LinkedHashMap[K, V]) Each(f func(K, V)) {
for n := lhm.ordered.Head.Next; n != &lhm.ordered.Tail; n = n.Next {
f(n.Value.Key, n.Value.Value)
func (lhm *LinkedHashMap[K,V]) Len() int {
return len(lhm.byKey)
func (lhm *LinkedHashMap[K,V]) Pop() (v V, ok bool) {
if lhm.Len() == 0 {
return v, false
n, ok := lhm.ordered.Head.Next.Delete()
v = n.Value
type LinkedList[V any] struct {
Head, Tail LinkedListNode[V]
func NewLinkedList[V any]() *LinkedList[V] {
var ll LinkedList[V]
link(&ll.Head, &ll.Tail)
return &ll
type LinkedListNode[V any] struct {
Prev, Next *LinkedListNode[V]
Value V
func link[V any](a, b *LinkedListNode[V]) {
a.Next = b
b.Prev = a
func (lln *LinkedListNode[V]) InsertAfter(v V) *LinkedListNode[V] {
if lln.Next == nil {
panic("attempted InsertAfter on sentinel value")
n := &LinkedListNode[V]{Value: v}
link(n, lln.Next)
link(lln, n)
return n
func (lln *LinkedListNode[V]) InsertBefore(v V) *LinkedListNode[V] {
if lln.Prev == nil {
panic("attempted InsertBefore on sentinel value")
n := &LinkedListNode[V]{Value: v}
link(lln.Prev, n)
link(n, lln)
return n
func (lln *LinkedListNode[V]) Delete() (v V, ok bool) {
if lln == nil {
return v, false
if lln.Prev == nil || lln.Next == nil {
panic("attempted deletion of sentinel value")
link(lln.Prev, lln.Next)
lln.Prev, lln.Next = nil, nil
return lln.Value, true
func main() {
var lhm LinkedHashMap[string, int]
for i := 100; i < 110; i++ {
lhm.Set(fmt.Sprint("key", i), i)
lhm.Set("key105", 155)
lhm.Set("key102", 122)
lhm.Each(func(k string, v int) {
fmt.Println(k, "=", v)
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