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Last active April 3, 2022 04:43
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Maximum value of K coins taken from P piles in Go, using Dynamic Programming
// Leetcode:
func maxValueOfCoins(piles [][]int, k int) int {
// Record the points cumulatively for taking N coins from each pile
for p := range piles {
for c := range piles[p] {
if c+1 >= len(piles[p]) {
piles[p][c+1] += piles[p][c]
// Now, piles[p][c] is the value of taking c coins from pile p
// We're going to make a 2d state array, in which
// state[c][p]
// contains the maximum value of spending c coins using the first p piles.
// This requires k+1 * len(piles)+1 to store, because each dimension is inclusive.
state := make2d(k + 1, len(piles)+1)
// Our goal is to compute state[k][len(piles)],
// which will contain the max value of spending all coins using all piles.
// Compute state[*][p+1] based on taking coins from piles[p].
for p := 0; p < len(piles); p++ {
// Compute the best for c or more coins based on c coins and taking more from p.
for c := 0; c <= k; c++ {
current := state[c][p]
// Given the best way to spend c coins using p piles (i.e. state[c][p]),
// We can compute new ways of spending c+n coins by:
// taking n coins from pile p (i.e. state[c][p] + piles[p][n-1])
// First, the n = 0 case: if we don't take any coins from this pile,
// it'll still have the same value when we come around to the next pile.
// Unless we already found a better way to get there, obviously.
if current > state[c][p+1] {
state[c][p+1] = current
// Then we can consider taking nonzero numbers of coins.
// There's no need to check spending too many coins (c+n > k)
// or spend more coins than the pile (piles[p]) contains.
for n := 1; c+n <= k && n-1 < len(piles[p]); n++ {
// Note that pile[n] contains the cumulative value of taking n+1 coins, since 0 coins is assumed to be 0,
// so the value of taking n coins from pile p is piles[p][n-1]
nFromPile := piles[p][n-1]
value := current + nFromPile
totalCoins := c+n
// Only update the value if we've found a better way to spend the coins.
if value > state[totalCoins][p+1] {
state[totalCoins][p+1] = value
// To get here, we had to go through:
// k coins
// * p piles
// * k ways of spending coins from the pile
// = O(k^2 * p)
return state[k][len(piles)]
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func maxs(s []int) (max int) {
for _, v := range s {
if v > max {
max = v
func make2d(rows, cols int) [][]int {
back := make([]int, rows*cols)
out := make([][]int, rows)
for i := range out {
out[i] = back[i*cols:][:cols:cols]
return out
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