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Created March 26, 2020 19:37
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# workout-log-setup ensures the data dir and db file exist
_workout-log-setup() {
test -d "${WORKOUT_LOG_DIR}" || mkdir -p "${WORKOUT_LOG_DIR}"
test -f "${WORKOUT_LOG_DB}" || echo "name,count,timestamp" > "${WORKOUT_LOG_DB}"
workout-log-write-record() {
local name=${1}
local count=${2}
local timestamp=$(date --rfc-3339=seconds | sed 's/ /T/')
echo "${name},${count},${timestamp}" >> "${WORKOUT_LOG_DB}"
workout-log-read-records() {
column -t -s, "${WORKOUT_LOG_DB}" | less +G
log-workout() {
workout-log-write-record $@
get-workouts() {
workout-log-read-records $@
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