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To remove a submodule you need to: | |
Delete the relevant line from the .gitmodules file. | |
Delete the relevant section from .git/config. | |
Run git rm --cached path_to_submodule (no trailing slash). | |
Commit and delete the now untracked submodule files. |
Still can't believe this isn't superseded by a simple git feature.
+1 for update
+1 @afiskon
+1 @afiskon
Thanks a lot, I'm from google too, and I did it successfully.
Don't forget run git add --all
before git rm --cached path_to_submodule
You don't need to manually prune the submodule from .git/config
if you run git submodule deinit <path-to-submodule>
first. I was using git 2.6.3.
Yep still on google! Thanks
Why doesn't the git team make this simpler?
To delete the relevant section from .git/config
, you can also run:
git submodule deinit <submodule_name>
I also found that I needed to delete the relevant file/folder under .git/modules/<mySubmodule>
According to the git submodule deinit
documents it should be a simple matter of:
git rm path/to/submodule
Seemed to work for me?
"If you really want to remove a submodule from the repository and commit that use git-rm[1] instead. See gitsubmodules[7] for removal options." - https://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule#git-submodule-deinit-f--force--all--ltpathgt82308203
nice +1
@jfmercer only 2nd on Bing's index because bing sucks
@afiskon +1
git rm -- .gitmodules [ModulesName]
git rm -- .gitmodules QtSsh
+1 @afiskon 's solution is working