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Created July 29, 2022 00:56
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// CompareEquatableProperties.swift
// ListableUI
// Created by Kyle Van Essen on 7/28/22.
import Foundation
/// Checks if the `Equatable` properies on two objects are equal, even if the object itself is not `Equatable`.
/// ## Example
/// For the following struct, the `title`, `detail` and `count` properties will be compared. The
/// `nonEquatable` and `closure` parameters will be ignored.
/// ```
/// fileprivate struct MyStruct {
/// var title : String
/// var detail : String?
/// var count : Int
/// var nonEquatable: NonEquatableValue
/// var closure : () -> ()
/// }
/// ```
/// Inspired by
public func areEquatablePropertiesEqual(_ lhs : Any, _ rhs : Any) -> Bool {
// 1) We can't compare values unless the objects are the same type.
guard type(of: lhs) == type(of: rhs) else {
return false
let lhs = Mirror(reflecting: lhs)
// 2) Values with no fields are always Equal.
guard lhs.children.isEmpty == false else {
return true
let rhs = Mirror(reflecting: rhs)
// 3) Enumerate each property, by enumerating the `Mirrors`.
for (prop1, prop2) in zip(lhs.children, rhs.children) {
// 3a) Skip any values which are not themselves `Equatable`.
guard isEquatableValue(prop1.value) else {
// 3b) Finally, compare the underlying values.
guard isEqual(prop1.value, prop2.value) else {
return false
// 4) All `Equatable` properties were equal, so we're equal.
return true
/// Checks if the two provided values are the same type and Equatable.
private func isEqual(_ lhs: Any, _ rhs: Any) -> Bool {
func check<Value>(value: Value) -> Bool {
if let typeInfo = Wrapped<Value>.self as? AnyEquatable.Type {
return typeInfo.isEqual(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs)
return false
/// This is the magic part of the whole process. Through `_openExistential`,
/// Swift will take the `Any` type (the existential type), and call the provided `body`
/// with the existential converted to the contained type. Because we have no constraint
/// on the contained type (just a `Value` generic), we can then check if the contained type
/// will conform to `AnyEquatable`.
/// ```
/// public func _openExistential<ExistentialType, ContainedType, ResultType>(
/// _ existential: ExistentialType,
/// do body: (ContainedType) throws -> ResultType
/// ) rethrows -> ResultType
/// ```
return _openExistential(lhs, do: check)
/// Checks if the provided `value` is `Equatable`.
private func isEquatableValue(_ value: Any) -> Bool {
func check<Value>(value: Value) -> Bool {
Wrapped<Value>.self is AnyEquatable.Type
return _openExistential(value, do: check)
private protocol AnyEquatable {
static func isEqual(lhs: Any, rhs: Any) -> Bool
private enum Wrapped<Value> {}
extension Wrapped: AnyEquatable where Value: Equatable {
static func isEqual(lhs: Any, rhs: Any) -> Bool {
guard let lhs = lhs as? Value, let rhs = rhs as? Value else {
return false
return lhs == rhs
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