Benchmark for setting up all/multiple servers at startup
- Baseline
hyperfine "./nv-bench" -r 100 --cleanup "rm -f $HOME/.cache/nvim/{lsp.log,log}" --export-markdown --command-name 'baseline'
local fmt = string.format | |
local function write_file(path, txt, flag) | |
local data = type(txt) == "string" and txt or vim.inspect(txt) | |
local uv = vim.loop | |
uv.fs_open(path, flag, 438, function(open_err, fd) | |
assert(not open_err, open_err) | |
uv.fs_write(fd, data, -1, function(write_err) | |
assert(not write_err, write_err) | |
uv.fs_close(fd, function(close_err) | |
assert(not close_err, close_err) |
-- creates documentation for all functions in a buffer | |
local function log(...) | |
local objects = vim.tbl_map(vim.inspect, { ... }) | |
local plenary_log = require("plenary.log").new { level = "debug", plugin = "lsp_scratch", info_level = 3 } | | | |
return ... | |
end | |
local function write_file(path, txt, flag) |
<# | |
Setup an MSYS2 environment including the minimum tools needed for building neovim on Windows. | |
The script will download the latest nightly release of the MSYS2 installer | |
and install all the packges required for building neovim on Windows. | |
Requies administrative privilages because the MSYS2 installation must go into `C:\msys64`. |
local M = {} | |
local function custom_telescope_finder(opts) | |
opts = opts or {} | |
local pickers = require "telescope.pickers" | |
local finders = require "telescope.finders" | |
local conf = require("telescope.config").values | |
local custom_action = function() | |
local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" | |
local entry = action_state.get_selected_entry() |
Error parser for the legacy errors list generated by
in Neovim core.
You can also grep for non-style errors using the following:
curl -LSs \
| grep -v 'readability' | grep -v 'whitespace' > errors.json