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Created July 22, 2024 13:43
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pragma solidity ^0.8.25;
import { UD60x18, ud, UNIT as UNIT_60x18, ZERO as ZERO_60x18 } from "@prb/math/UD60x18.sol";
import { ERC20 } from "@solady/tokens/ERC20.sol";
import { WETH } from "@solady/tokens/WETH.sol";
import { SafeTransferLib } from "@solady/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";
import { OwnableUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/upgradeable/access/OwnableUpgradeable.sol";
import { Initializable } from "@openzeppelin/upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
import { UUPSUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol";
import { LpETH } from "@/lpETH/LPETH.sol";
import { STETH_TOKEN, LIDO_WITHDRAWAL_QUEUE } from "@/adapters/stETH/StETHAdapter.sol";
import { IWithdrawalQueue } from "@/adapters/stETH/ILido.sol";
address payable constant weth = payable(address(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2));
interface VotingEscrow {
function lockFor(address account, uint256 amount, uint256 duration) external;
struct Lockup {
uint256 amount;
uint256 duration; // In epochs
struct Config {
uint256 cap;
uint256 deadline;
uint256 minLockup;
uint256 maxLockup;
uint256 epochLength;
UD60x18 maxMultiplier;
UD60x18 slope;
error InvalidDuration();
error Inactive();
error NotClaimable();
error CapExceeded();
contract PreLaunch is Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable {
uint256 public immutable cap; // Maximum amount of deposits allowed
uint256 public immutable deadline; // Deadline for deposits
UD60x18 internal immutable MIN_LOCKUP_DURATION;
UD60x18 internal immutable MAX_LOCKUP_DURATION;
UD60x18 internal immutable MAX_MULTIPLIER;
UD60x18 internal immutable SLOPE;
uint256 internal immutable EPOCH_LENGTH;
uint256 totalWeightedDeposits; // Total weighted deposits
uint256 totalDeposits; // Total deposits
address public votingEscrow; // Voting escrow contract
address payable lpEth; // LP token for lpETH
uint96 claimableTimestamp; // Timestamp when deposits become claimable
uint256 lpEthReceived = 0;
// stETH bookkeeping
uint256 pendingStETHDeposits;
mapping(address account => Lockup) internal lockups;
constructor(Config memory _config) {
cap = _config.cap;
deadline = _config.deadline;
MIN_LOCKUP_DURATION = UD60x18.wrap(_config.minLockup * 1e18);
MAX_LOCKUP_DURATION = UD60x18.wrap(_config.maxLockup * 1e18);
MAX_MULTIPLIER = _config.maxMultiplier;
SLOPE = _config.slope;
EPOCH_LENGTH = _config.epochLength;
function initialize() public initializer {
receive() external payable { }
function lockup(address account) external view returns (Lockup memory) {
return lockups[account];
function isActive() public view returns (bool) {
return block.timestamp <= deadline;
function isClaimable() public view returns (bool) {
return votingEscrow != address(0);
function setLpEth(address payable _lpEth) external onlyOwner {
if (lpEth != address(0)) {
lpEth = _lpEth;
function setVotingEscrow(address _votingEscrow) external onlyOwner {
if (votingEscrow != address(0)) {
votingEscrow = _votingEscrow;
claimableTimestamp = uint96(block.timestamp);
function mintLpEth(uint256 minLpShares) external onlyOwner {
if (lpEth == address(0)) {
uint256 lpShares = LpETH(lpEth).deposit{ value: address(this).balance }(minLpShares);
lpEthReceived += lpShares;
function depositETH(uint256 duration) external payable {
_deposit(msg.value, duration);
function depositWETH(uint256 amount, uint256 duration) external {
SafeTransferLib.safeTransferFrom(weth, msg.sender, address(this), amount);
SafeTransferLib.safeApprove(weth, weth, amount);
_deposit(amount, duration);
// function depositSTETH(uint256 amount, uint256 duration) external {
// SafeTransferLib.safeTransferFrom(STETH_TOKEN, msg.sender, address(this), amount);
// SafeTransferLib.safeApprove(STETH_TOKEN, LIDO_WITHDRAWAL_QUEUE, amount);
// steth.withdraw(amount);
// _deposit(amount, duration);
// }
function _deposit(uint256 amount, uint256 duration) internal {
if (!isActive()) {
revert Inactive();
if (!isValidDuration(duration)) {
revert InvalidDuration();
if (totalDeposits + amount > cap) {
revert CapExceeded();
// Since we allow changing the lockup before the deadline
// When a user has an existing deposit, and his new deposit has a different lockup,
// We adopt the latest lockup set.
// 1. Calculate existing weighted deposit
// 2. Subtract the existing weighted deposit from the totalWeightedDeposits
// 3. Add the new weighted deposit to the totalWeightedDeposits
// 4. Update the lockup
// 5. Update the totalDeposits
Lockup storage lockup = lockups[msg.sender];
if (lockup.amount > 0) {
uint256 existingWeightedDeposit = calculateWeightedDeposit(lockup.amount, lockup.duration);
unchecked {
totalWeightedDeposits -= existingWeightedDeposit;
uint256 weightedDeposit = calculateWeightedDeposit(amount + lockup.amount, duration);
totalWeightedDeposits += weightedDeposit;
totalDeposits += amount;
lockups[msg.sender] = Lockup({ amount: amount + lockup.amount, duration: duration });
function withdraw(uint256 amount) external {
if (!isActive()) {
revert Inactive();
// 1. Calculate the weighted deposit
// 2. Subtract the weighted deposit from the totalWeightedDeposits
// 3. Calculate the weighted deposit based on the remaining balance
// 4. Add the new weighted deposit to the totalWeightedDeposits
// 5. Update the lockup
// 6. Update the totalDeposits
Lockup storage lockup = lockups[msg.sender];
uint256 weightedDeposit = calculateWeightedDeposit(lockup.amount, lockup.duration);
totalWeightedDeposits -= weightedDeposit;
uint256 remainingAmount = lockup.amount - amount;
uint256 remainingWeightedDeposit = calculateWeightedDeposit(remainingAmount, lockup.duration);
totalWeightedDeposits += remainingWeightedDeposit;
unchecked {
totalDeposits -= amount;
lockup.amount = remainingAmount;
function changeLockup(uint256 duration) external {
if (!isActive()) {
revert Inactive();
if (!isValidDuration(duration)) {
revert InvalidDuration();
Lockup storage lockup = lockups[msg.sender];
uint256 weightedDeposit = calculateWeightedDeposit(lockup.amount, lockup.duration);
totalWeightedDeposits -= weightedDeposit;
uint256 newWeightedDeposit = calculateWeightedDeposit(lockup.amount, duration);
totalWeightedDeposits += newWeightedDeposit;
lockup.duration = duration;
function claimVeTokens() external {
if (!isClaimable()) {
revert NotClaimable();
Lockup storage lockup = lockups[msg.sender];
// Account for elapsed time since the deposits became claimable in epochs
uint256 epochsElapsedSinceClaimable = (block.timestamp - claimableTimestamp) / EPOCH_LENGTH;
uint256 lpEthAmount = lockup.amount * lpEthReceived / totalDeposits;
SafeTransferLib.safeApprove(lpEth, votingEscrow, lpEthAmount);
VotingEscrow(votingEscrow).lockFor(msg.sender, lpEthAmount, lockup.duration - epochsElapsedSinceClaimable);
delete lockups[msg.sender];
function calculateWeightedDeposit(uint256 amount, uint256 epochs) public view returns (uint256) {
UD60x18 durationUD = UD60x18.wrap(epochs * 1e18);
if ( {
return 0;
return UD60x18.wrap(amount).mul(
function isValidDuration(uint256 duration) internal view returns (bool) {
// We compare the unscaled version of epochs so we increase stepwise per epoch
// If we compare against the fixed point version, we can end up in between epochs
return duration >= MIN_LOCKUP_DURATION.unwrap() / 1e18 && duration <= MAX_LOCKUP_DURATION.unwrap() / 1e18;
///@dev required by the OZ UUPS module
// solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks
function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal override onlyOwner { }
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