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Forked from polamjag/amazon-calc.js
Last active January 8, 2025 09:05
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Amazon購入履歴のCSVエクスポート (2017 年バージョン)
// Amazon購入履歴のCSVエクスポート
// 使い方:
// 1. 全部コピーする (右上の Raw をクリックした先でやるのが楽)
// 2. Amazon の注文履歴ページ ( ) を開く
// 3. F12 または 右クリ→要素の検証 とかで出てくる開発者ツールのコンソール (JavaScript REPL) にペースト
// 4. エンターで実行
// (Firefox はなんか allow pasting とタイプしろみたいなことを言われるので従う)
// 5. しばらく待つと、コンソールに合計金額が表示され、CSVが保存される
// 2014-12-28 / 2016-05-10 時点での DOM 構造に対応, Firefox と Chrome でテスト済
// 2017-02-18 CSV保存機能の追加
var itemDelimiter = '\r\n';
var total = {};
var year = '2017';
var all = false;
function init(num) {
if(typeof num !== 'number') {
var num = 0;
year = window.prompt('何年分の注文を集計しますか?\n - 半角数字4桁で入力してください', year);
year = Number(year);
// 第二引数を true にすると各商品とかエラーを逐一表示する
var progress = load(num, false);
console.log(year + '年の集計中… / ' + (num+1) + 'ページ目');
if (typeof total[year] === 'undefined') {
total[year] = results;
} else {
total[year] = total[year].concat(results);
if(all && new Date().getFullYear() > year) {
} else {
var _total = 0;
var _result;
jQuery.each(total, function(year, results){
var yen = 0;
jQuery.each(results, function(){
yen += this.price;
_total += yen;
_result = results;
// result
console.log('合計 ' + _total + ' 円');
function load(num, verbose) {
var df = jQuery.Deferred();
var page = get(num, verbose);
var dom = jQuery.parseHTML(data);
var results = [];
var box = jQuery(this);
var dateText = jQuery(box.find('div.order-info span.value')[0]).text();
var datePattern = new RegExp("(\\d{4})年(\\d{1,2})月(\\d{1,2})日");
var year = RegExp.$1;
var month = RegExp.$2; if (month.length <= 1) month = "0" + month;
var day = RegExp.$3; if (day.length <= 1) day = "0" + day;
var date = "" + year + "年" + month + "月" + day + "日";
var orderNum = jQuery(box.find('div.order-info span.value')[2]).text().trim();
var orderDetailURL = jQuery(box.find('div.order-info a.a-link-normal')[0]).attr('href');
else {
orderDetailURL = 'N/A';
var items = [];
var itemName = jQuery(this).text().trim();
var itemPrice = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('div.a-row>span.a-color-price').text().trim();
items.push('['+itemPrice+'] '+itemName);
var item = items.join(itemDelimiter);
var priceText = jQuery(box.find('div.order-info span.value')[1]).text();
var price = Number(priceText.match(/[0-9]/g).join(''));
if (verbose) console.log(item, price);
results.push({'date':date, 'orderNumber':orderNum, 'price':price, 'item':item, 'orderDetailURL':orderDetailURL});
if(results.length <= 0) df.reject();
else df.resolve(results);
return df.promise();
function get(num) {
var df = jQuery.Deferred();
url: ''+year+'&startIndex='+num*10,
beforeSend: function (xhr){
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', {toString: function(){ return ''; }});
.fail(function(jqXHR, msg){
if (verbose) console.log("fail", msg);
return df.promise();
function convertTocsv(array) {
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (str == '') {
var title = '';
for (var it in array[i]) {
if (title !== '') title += ',';
title += '"' + it + '"';
str += '\ufeff'+title + '\r\n';
var line = '';
for (var it in array[i]) {
if (line !== '') line += ',';
line += '"' + array[i][it] + '"';
str += line + '\r\n';
return str;
function download(filename, text) {
var pom = document.createElement('a');
pom.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
pom.setAttribute('download', filename);
if (document.createEvent) {
var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent('click', true, true);
else {;
if(typeof jQuery !== 'function') {
var d=document;
var s=d.createElement('script');
} else {
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I am happy to find this nice solution in Unfortunately it seems it is not working anymore (2021.01.17) since I got an error code like below (but it worked flawless 6 month ago. Yes, I switch to Japanese language before running this code. Any hints what did I do wrong?

Error message:

2020年の集計中… / 1ページ目
VM150:52 合計 0 円
VM150:127 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at convertTocsv (:127:35)
at Object. (:53:55)
at c (jquery.min.js:3)

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Actually this one is forked from, I modified a little to adapt to Amazon's changes back in 2017.
I just had a quick look at current Amazon page, I seems to me that lots of things has been changed, I guess a major rewrite is needed to make it work again.

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Hello l-rutong,
Thank you for the quick response and your feedback.
Unfortunately I am not able to rewrite the code. Do you have a hint where to search if you need a CSV file of your amazon order history for Japanese Amazon?

Any hints would be more than welcome.
Thank you..

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There's a chrome extension doing similar thing,

but seems they are suffering from the same problem now. (it appears that Amazon has changed the page layout last Dec).
The developer of this extension is aware of the problem and hopefully they will fix it in near future.

FYI, Amazon Business has official support for exporting purchase history and invoices.

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Great! Thanks a lot for your hint. 👍
I will check from time to time if new version is available which support current page layout :-).

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