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Last active October 11, 2015 21:28
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Save la11111/3922035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
get-ChildItemColored - Linux/Coreutils-style 'ls' for Powershell - make yourself at home a little bit.
# in case you don't know where your profile is:
# c:\users\your_username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1 - current user all hosts
# c:\users\your_username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 - current user current host
# so you could just save this as its own file in that directory and dot-source it into one of the above.
## ls - configuration
#first, import it:
Import-Module get-ChildItemColored
# user-defined colors. 'write-host -?' gives all of your choices.
# it's an array of hashes.
# you can override defaults or add new ones - these are processed first.
# 'ls variable:' will show these to you ; changing the values on the fly
# will let you override any color for the duration of your session:
# PS > $lscolor_dir = "black"
# what directories? ;)
# add one on the fly:
# $lscolor_userdef += @{'regex' = '\.iso$'; 'color' = 'DarkRed'}
$global:lscolor_userdef = @(
"regex" = '\.(cfg|conf|ini|log)$';
"color" = "Yellow";
"regex" = '\.(htm|html|xml|csv)$';
"color" = "Cyan";
"regex" = '\.(xls|doc|ppt|xlsx|docx|odt|rtf|pdf)$';
"color" = "DarkGreen";
#color of directories (this is the default)
$global:lscolor_dir = "DarkCyan"
#color of hidden files' foreground/background when you do 'ls -force' (this -eq default)
$global:lscolor_hidden = "DarkRed"
$global:lscolor_hidden_bg = "DarkGray"
#set 'ls' and 'la' as aliases to g-cic
function gcic-Force { Get-ChildItemColored -Force }
set-alias ls Get-ChildItemColored -force -option allscope
set-alias la gcic-Force -option allscope
#I always set up bash to do this for me; it just prints the contents of a
#directory when you cd into it - save a couple of keystrokes.
#function cd-ls {
# param($path)
# try {
# set-location $path -erroraction 'stop'
# ls
# } catch {"$_"}
#set-alias cd cd-ls -force -option allscope
# get-ChildItemColored.psm1
# Linux/Coreutils-style 'ls' for Powershell;
# Inspired by Get-ChildItemColor by Tojo2000 <[email protected]>;
# Written by Brandon Dowell.
# Unlike other similar scripts which simply colorize the output of built-in get-childitem, thus preserving
# the objects it outputs, I just wanted a nice human-friendly way to view files. This script uses write-host
# for output, thus disabling that feature. Use 'dir' if you need to pipe the output somewhere.
# colors are fully customizable through your profile.ps1. Output is meant to mimic coreutils ls.
# to install, create a directory in your module path somewhere called
# 'get-ChildItemColored' and place this file inside.
# the default module directory is:
# c:\users\your_username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\modules
# Below this file, I'll include an example of what you should add to your profile.ps1.
# enjoy :)
function get-width { param([array]$a)
$w = 0
$a | %{
if ($ -gt $w) {
$w = $
$w += 2 # space between columns; allow for / jewelry
return $w
function make-cols { param([array]$files, $cols)
$col_data = @()
$rows = [math]::ceiling($files.count/$cols)
$full_cols = [math]::floor($files.count/$rows)
$leftovers = $files.count%$rows
if ($leftovers -gt 0) {
$total_cols = $full_cols + 1
} else {
$total_cols = $full_cols
foreach ($i in 0..($total_cols-1)) {
$li = $rows * $i
if (($total_cols -gt $full_cols ) -and (($i+1) -eq $total_cols)) {
$ui = $files.count - 1
} else {
$ui = ($rows * ($i + 1))-1
$this_col = new-object psobject
$this_col | add-member noteproperty "files" @()
$this_col.files += $files[$li..$ui]
$this_col | add-member noteproperty "width" $(get-width($this_col.files))
$col_data += $this_col
function find-bestfit { param([array]$files)
$max_width = get-width $files
$try_cols = [math]::floor($term_width/$max_width)
$foundbestfit = $false
$cols = @()
$cols += make-cols -files $files -cols $try_cols
while (!$foundbestfit) {
$combined_width = 0
foreach ($c in $cols) {
$combined_width += $c.width
if ($combined_width -gt $term_width) {
$try_cols -= 1 #not tested, could harbor bugs
$foundbestfit = $true
} elseif (($term_width - $combined_width) -gt $max_width) {
if ($cols.count -lt $try_cols) {
$foundbestfit = $true
} else {
$try_cols += 1
} else {
$foundbestfit = $true
$cols = @()
$cols += make-cols -files $files -cols $try_cols
return $cols
function pick-color { param($file)
if ($file.GetType().Name -eq 'DirectoryInfo') {
if ($global:lscolor_dir) {
} else {
return $directory
} else {
foreach($c in $config ) {
if ($c.regex.IsMatch($file.Name)) {
return $c.color
function write-columns { param([array]$cols)
foreach ($r in 0..($cols[0].files.count - 1)) {
foreach ($c in $cols) {
$f = $c.files[$r]
if ($f) {
$dec = 0
$fn = $
if ($f.GetType().Name -eq 'DirectoryInfo') {
$fn += "/"
if ($f.Attributes -match "Hidden") {
$dec += 1
if ($global:lscolor_hidden) {
$hidden = $global:lscolor_hidden
if ($global:lscolor_hidden_bg) {
$hidden_bg = $global:lscolor_hidden_bg
write-host -fore $hidden -back $hidden_bg -nonewline "$fn"
write-host -nonewline "$(' '*($c.width - $fn.length - $dec))"
} else {
write-host -nonewline -fore $(pick-color $f) "$fn$(' '*($c.width - $fn.length - $dec))"
function Get-ChildItemColored {param($Path, [switch]$Force)
$regex_opts = ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase `
-bor [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Compiled)
$config = @()
if ($global:lscolor_userdef) {
$global:lscolor_userdef | % {
$re = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex($_.get_item('regex'), $regex_opts)
$o = new-object psobject
$o | add-member noteproperty "regex" $re
$o | add-member noteproperty "color" $_.get_item('color')
$config += $o
$directory = 'DarkCyan'
$hidden = 'DarkRed'
$hidden_bg = 'DarkGray'
@{ #compressed
"regex" = '\.(zip|tar|gz|rar|7z|bz2|tgz|tcz)$';
"color" = "Red";
@{ #script/executable
"regex" = '\.(exe|bat|cmd|py|pl|ps1|psm1|vbs|rb|reg|fsx|msi|sh)$';
"color" = "Green";
@{ #images
"regex" = '\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|tif|bmp|svg|xcf|psd)$';
"color" = "Magenta";
@{ #backup files
"regex" = '(\.bak|~)$';
"color" = "DarkGray";
@{ #backup files 2 / linux hidden dotfiles
"regex" = '^(~|\.)';
"color" = "DarkGray";
) | % {
$re = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex($_.get_item('regex'), $regex_opts)
$o = new-object psobject
$o | add-member noteproperty "regex" $re
$o | add-member noteproperty "color" $_.get_item('color')
$config += $o
$term_width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.width
$files = @()
#$files += invoke-expression ("get-childitem $args")
# doesn't work if there's paren's in the dir name ... ideas??
if (!($path)) {
$path = "."
if ($force) {
$files += get-childitem -force -path $path
} else {
$files += get-childitem -path $path
if (!($files)) {
} else {
$cols = find-bestfit $files
write-columns $cols
#return $files
export-modulemember -function get-childitemcolored
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