An inverted Binary Tree is a Binary Tree with left and right children of all non-leaf nodes interchanged.
type Node =
{ Value: int
Left: Node option
Right: Node option }
let root =
{ Value = 9
Left =
{ Value = 3
Left = Some { Value = 1; Right = None; Left = None }
Right = Some { Value = 4; Right = None; Left = None } }
Right = Some { Value = 5; Left = None; Right = None } }
let printDfs prefix node =
let rec dfs (stack: Node list) result =
match stack with
| [] -> result
| head :: tail ->
(([ head.Left; head.Right ] |> List.choose id) @ tail)
(head.Value :: result)
dfs [ node ] [] |> List.rev |> printfn "%s\n%A\n" prefix
// FIXME: implement invertion of the tree
let invertTree (root: Node) = root
|> printDfs "original" // [9; 3; 1; 4; 5]
|> invertTree
|> printDfs "inverted" // [9; 5; 3; 4; 1]
- Implement invertion of the tree
- What is the runtime complexity?
- What is the memory complexity?
- Will it stack overflow on very large trees?
solution (click to expand)
The easiest solution.
let invertTree (root: Node) =
let rec invert =
| None -> None
| Some n ->
{ Value = n.Value
Left = invert n.Right
Right = invert n.Left }
invert (Some root) |> Option.get
|> invertTree
|> printDfs "inverted simple" // [9; 5; 3; 4; 1]
- Runtime complexity: O(n)
- Memory complexity: O(n)
- Will it stack overflow? Yes.
It will stack overflow on very deep trees. Try it with this tree
let root =
[ 1 .. 305000 ]
|> List.fold (fun prev i -> Some { Value = i; Left = None; Right = prev }) None
|> Option.get
another solution (click to expand)
We can do a breadth-first search, and with the leaf nodes first, swap left and right until we reach the root.
type Queue<'a> = Queue of list<'a> * list<'a>
module Queue =
let empty = Queue([], [])
let enqueue (Queue (front, back)) x = Queue(front, x :: back)
let rec dequeue =
| Queue ([], []) -> None, Queue([], [])
| Queue (x :: front, back) -> Some x, Queue(front, back)
| Queue ([], back) -> dequeue (Queue(List.rev back, []))
let rec bfs result queue =
match Queue.dequeue queue with
| None, _ -> result
| Some node, queue ->
(node :: result)
([ node.Right; node.Left ]
|> List.choose id
|> List.fold Queue.enqueue queue)
let rec swap computed nodes =
match nodes with
| [] -> computed
| head :: tail ->
(Some head)
{ Value = head.Value
Left = Map.tryFind head.Right computed
Right = Map.tryFind head.Left computed }
let invertTree2 root =
|> Queue.enqueue Queue.empty
|> bfs []
|> swap Map.empty
|> Map.find (Some root)
|> invertTree2
|> printDfs "inverted BFS-SWAP"
- Runtime complexity: O(n log n) because
is O(log n) - Memory complexity: O(n)
- Will it stack overflow? No.
another solution (click to expand)
continuation passing style (CPS)
let invertTree3 root =
let rec invert node (continuation: Node option -> Node option) =
match node with
| None -> continuation None
| Some n ->
invert n.Left (fun left ->
invert n.Right (fun right ->
continuation (Some({ Value = n.Value; Left = right; Right = left }))))
invert (Some root) id |> Option.get
|> invertTree3
|> printDfs "inverted CSP"
- Runtime complexity: O(n)
- Memory complexity: O(n)
- Will it stack overflow? No.
another solution (click to expand)
continuation passing style (CPS) with computation expression
type ContinuationBuilder() =
member this.Return(x) = (fun k -> k x)
member this.Bind(m, f) = (fun k -> m (fun a -> f a k))
member this.Delay(mk) = fun c -> mk () c
let cps = ContinuationBuilder()
let invertTree4 root =
let rec invert node =
cps {
match node with
| None -> return None
| Some n ->
let! left = invert n.Left
let! right = invert n.Right
return Some { Value = n.Value; Right = left; Left = right }
invert (Some root) id |> Option.get
|> invertTree4
|> printDfs "inverted CSP CE
- Runtime complexity: O(n)
- Memory complexity: O(n)
- Will it stack overflow? No.
another solution (click to expand)