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Last active December 23, 2015 23:09
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  • Save labe/6707997 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save labe/6707997 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cookies and ovens and bakers and more!

##Getting started

  • Fork this gist
  • Clone your forked copy onto your local machine
  • Open the files in your text editor
  • $ ruby tests.rb


  • Read the error message
  • Identify on which line from which file the error occurred
  • Write code that makes the error message go away
  • Repeat until there are no more error messages
  • Unless explicitly asked for such (i.e., line 8),tests.rb should not contain modifications at the end of this challenge
    • which is to say, you can modify this file in the meanwhile
    • e.g., p-ing on things to see what's going on. that's cool.

##Topics covered!

  • Error Driven Development! (write code based on the "story" provided)
  • Test Driven Development! (write code that makes failing tests pass)
    • Using #assert / writing tests when dealing with classes!
  • Parsing a CSV file and turning that data into class objects!
  • Data structures! (arrays! and hashes!)
  • Getting multiple Ruby files to know about each other!
  • Guard clauses?!
  • Cookies!
require './cookie'
require './baker'
require './oven'
require './app'
require './app'
name bake_time bake_temp batch_yield
chocolate chip 14 350 15
peanut butter 12 325 15
snickerdoodle 18 350 12
teddy grahams 30 300 100
require './app'
def assert(expression,message)
raise message unless expression
recipes = []
# write the code to parse 'recipes.csv' and populate the recipes array here
cc_recipe = recipes[0]
assert(cc_recipe[:name] == "chocolate chip", "cc_recipe name should be chocolate chip")
pb_recipe = recipes[1]
assert(pb_recipe[:bake_time].class == Fixnum, "bake time should be a number type")
assert(pb_recipe[:bake_time] == 12, "pb_recipe bake time should be 12")
snick_recipe = recipes[2]
assert(snick_recipe[:bake_temp].class == Fixnum, "bake temp should be a number type")
assert(snick_recipe[:bake_temp] == 350, "snick_recipe bake time should be 350")
tg_recipe = recipes[3]
assert(tg_recipe[:batch_yield].class == Fixnum, "batch yield should be a number type")
assert(tg_recipe[:batch_yield] == 100, "tg_recipe batch yield should be 100")
chocolate_chip =
assert(chocolate_chip.class == Cookie, "chocolate_chip should be an instance of Cookie")
assert( == "chocolate chip", "cookie name should be 'chocolate chip'")
assert(chocolate_chip.bake_time == 14, "cookie bake time should be 14")
assert(chocolate_chip.bake_temp == 350, "cookie bake temp should be 350")
assert(chocolate_chip.batch_yield == 15, "cookie batch yield should be 15")
assert(chocolate_chip.time_in_oven == 0, "cookie should initialize with a time in oven at 0")
assert(chocolate_chip.status == :doughy, "cookie status should initialize as :doughy")
assert(chocolate_chip.food_category == :cookies, "chocolate chip cookies should have a food category of :cookies")
bertha =
assert(bertha.class == Oven, "bertha should be an instance of Oven")
assert(bertha.temp == 0, "oven should initialize with a temperature of 0")
assert(bertha.contents == [], "oven contents should initialize as an empty collection")
assert(bertha.baking_time == 0, "oven should initialize with baking time at 0")
name = ["Thomas", "Ryan", "Alek", "Salar", "Taylor", "Cricket", "Brantley", "Marion", "Dan", "Brandon", "Kenneth", "Annie", "Carter", "Natalie", "Jonathan", "Laura", "Steven", "Jenny", "Paul", "Jeff", "Charles"].shuffle.pop
baker =
assert(baker.class == Baker, "baker should be an instance of Baker")
assert( == name, "baker's name should be #{name}")
assert(baker.batches == [], "baker should start with an empty collection of cookie batches")
assert(baker.inventory == {}, "baker should start with an empty inventory")
assert(baker.batches.count == 1, "batches should contain 1 batch of cookies")
assert(baker.batches.first.count == 15, "batches should contain 1 batch of 15 cookies")
assert(baker.batches.first[0].name == "chocolate chip", "the cookies in the first batch should be chocolate chip")
baker.put_food_in_oven(bertha, baker.batches[0])
assert(bertha.contents == [], "food should not be inserted into the oven unless the oven is set to the food's bake temp")
baker.set_oven(bertha, baker.batches.first[0].bake_temp)
assert(bertha.temp == 350, "oven temperature should be set to 350")
baker.put_food_in_oven(bertha, baker.batches[0])
assert(bertha.contents.count == 1, "oven should contain first batch")
assert(baker.batches == [], "baker should no longer have any batches after putting food in oven")
assert(bertha.baking_time == 1, "oven baking time should be 1")
assert(bertha.baking_time == 11, "oven baking time should be 11")
assert(bertha.contents[0][0].status == :almost_ready, "cookie status at 11 minutes should be :almost_ready")
assert(bertha.food_ready? == true, "cookie status at #{bertha.contents[0][0].bake_time} should be :ready")
baker.remove_food_from_oven(bertha, bertha.contents[0])
assert(bertha.contents == [], "oven should be empty after removing food")
assert(bertha.baking_time == 0, "oven baking time should reset to 0 after removing food")
assert(baker.inventory[:cookies]["chocolate chip"] == 15, "baker should now have 15 chocolate chip cookies")
# -------
# -------
# why aren't there Batch and Recipe classes? when is a class really necessary?
# nested hashes?!
# apropos of nested hashes-- note the method Baker#put_food_in_oven, or Oven#food_ready?. What's the advantage of this method name over Baker#put_cookies_in_oven (or Oven#cookies_ready?)?
# MOAR TESTS! uncomment to run.
# baker.make_batch(tg_recipe)
# baker.set_oven(bertha, baker.batches.first[0].bake_temp)
# baker.put_food_in_oven(bertha, baker.batches[0])
# bertha.bake!(14)
# assert(bertha.food_ready? == false, "teddy graham cookie status at 14 minutes should be :doughy")
# bertha.bake!(16)
# baker.remove_food_from_oven(bertha, bertha.contents[0])
# assert(baker.inventory[:cookies]["teddy grahams"] == 100, "baker should now have 100 teddy graham cookies")
# baker.make_batch(pb_recipe)
# baker.set_oven(bertha, baker.batches.first[0].bake_temp)
# baker.put_food_in_oven(bertha, baker.batches[0])
# bertha.bake!(14)
# baker.remove_food_from_oven(bertha, bertha.contents[0])
# assert(baker.inventory[:cookies]["peanut butter"] == nil, "inventory should only update if cookies have :ready status")
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