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Last active April 14, 2023 11:51
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React Native TypeScript children of ForwardRefExoticComponents
import React, {
} from 'react';
import { View, Text, ViewProps } from 'react-native';
* First we create a simple function component which forwards a View ref:
interface FooProps extends ViewProps {
fooText: string;
export const Foo = forwardRef<View, FooProps>(({ fooText, children, ...props }, ref) => (
<View {...props} ref={ref}>
* Next we'll try wrapping that component in other components:
interface BarProps extends FooProps {
barText: string;
* For Bar1, respreading the props to Foo and adding children works without complaint.
* Foo has type: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<FooProps & React.RefAttributes<View>>
* props has type: {
* fooText: string;
* hitSlop?: Insets | undefined;
* onLayout?: ((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void) | undefined;
* pointerEvents?: "box-none" | "none" | "box-only" | "auto" | undefined;
* ... 49 more ...;
* children?: React.ReactNode;
* }
export const Bar1: FunctionComponent<BarProps> = ({ barText, ...props }) => (
<Foo {...props}>
* For Bar2, TypeScript complains:
* Type '{ children: Element; fooText: string; hitSlop?: Insets | undefined; onLayout?:
* ((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void) | undefined; pointerEvents?: "box-none" | ... 3 more ...
* | undefined; ... 48 more ...; accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors?: boolean | undefined; }'
* is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & FooProps & RefAttributes<View>'.
* Property 'children' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & FooProps & RefAttributes<View>'. ts(2322)
export const Bar2: FunctionComponent<BarProps> = ({ fooText, barText, ...props }) => (
<Foo {...props} fooText={`${fooText} plus:`}>
* For Bar3, TypeScript complains:
* Type '{ children: Element; fooText: string; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes
* & FooProps & RefAttributes<View>'.
* Property 'children' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & FooProps & RefAttributes<View>'. ts(2322)
export const Bar3: FunctionComponent<BarProps> = ({ barText }) => (
<Foo fooText="constant">
* If we do the same thing as above but explicitly specify the type, adding children to Foo's props...
export const NewFoo = forwardRef<View, PropsWithChildren<FooProps>>(({ fooText, children, ...props }, ref) => (
<View {...props} ref={ref}>
/* ...this works fine: */
export const NewBar3: FunctionComponent<BarProps> = ({ barText }) => (
<NewFoo fooText="constant">
* But if we allow the same children-augmented props type to be inferred for forwardRef...
export const NewBadFoo = forwardRef(({ fooText, children, ...props }: PropsWithChildren<FooProps>, ref: Ref<View>) => (
<View {...props} ref={ref}>
* ...this does not work:
* const NewBadFoo: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<FooProps & React.RefAttributes<View>>
* Type '{ children: Element; fooText: string; }' is not assignable to type
* 'IntrinsicAttributes & FooProps & RefAttributes<View>'.
* Property 'children' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & FooProps & RefAttributes<View>'. ts(2322)
export const NewBadBar3: FunctionComponent<BarProps> = ({ barText }) => (
<NewBadFoo fooText="constant">
* Summary: why does Bar1 work when Bar2 and Bar3 do not?
* - Should Bar2 and Bar3 work?
* - If not, and Bar1 should not work, is this just a peculiarity of TypeScript?
* - Is it a little odd that the props argument of the component function argument
* passed to forwardRef automatically includes `children?` in its typing but the
* resulting forwarded ref component's props argument does not?
* - Is it odd that in the case of NewBadFoo, forwardRef strips the `children?`
* from the props that it infers?
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