// Sample routines to initialize the plot for rendering |
// and add some basic functionality. |
// Initialize the defaults for the chart such as |
// the genome size, the div container to put the |
// SVG object in, what function to call during a |
// double click and the initial chart size. |
var genomesize = 6264404; |
var circularlayout = {genomesize: genomesize, |
container: "#circularchart", |
dblclick: "doubleClick", |
w: 550, h: 550 |
}; |
// The actual initialization call which takes two |
// parameters, the layout (above) for the plot and |
// the dataset to visualize (from data.js, a json |
// data structure) |
var cTrack = new circularTrack(circularlayout, tracks); |
// If we're showing both a circular and linear chart, |
// and have a linear brush, attach it (see combo plot demo) |
if('undefined' !== typeof linearTrack) { |
console.log("Attaching linear track"); |
cTrack.attachBrush(linearTrack); |
cTrack.showBrush(); |
} |
if('undefined' !== typeof brush) { |
console.log("Attaching linear track brush"); |
cTrack.attachBrush(brush); |
} |
// Now some callbacks to make the interactive functionality work. |
// Attached to the onchange callback for the GC Plot checkbox, |
// call the plot to add/remove the GC Plot as needed |
function updateGC(cb) { |
if(cb.checked) { |
cTrack.showTrack("gcplot"); |
} else { |
cTrack.hideTrack("gcplot"); |
} |
} |
// Attached to strand track checkbox, call the plot to |
// add/remove the inner stranded track |
function updateStrand(cb) { |
if(cb.checked) { |
cTrack.showTrack("track1"); |
} else { |
cTrack.hideTrack("track1"); |
} |
} |
// Attached to the contig gap checkbox, call the plot to |
// add/remove the contig gap squiggles |
function updateGaps(cb) { |
if(cb.checked) { |
cTrack.showTrack("gapTrack"); |
} else { |
cTrack.hideTrack("gapTrack"); |
} |
} |
// Attached to the ADB glyph checkbox, call the plot to |
// add/remove only the ADB type of glyph |
function updateAdb(cb) { |
if(cb.checked) { |
cTrack.showGlyphTrackType("track5", "adb"); |
} else { |
cTrack.hideGlyphTrackType("track5", "adb"); |
} |
} |
// Attached to the resize plot button, call the plot to |
// resize the plot to 650px diameter |
function resizePlot() { |
cTrack.resize(650); |
} |
function saveImage() { |
cTrack.savePlot(4.0, "islandviewer.png", "tracks.css", 'png'); |
} |
// Demo of the hover over timer, we had to |
// do it this way to get around IE <9 not supporting |
// parameters to the function called by setTimeout() |
// |
// If you have over an island, the console log will |
// display the callback parameters when the timer expires |
// |
// The callback for hover (along with click) are defined in |
// the data definition for each track in the dataset (data.js) |
var timer; |
var d_callback; |
function islandPopup(d) { |
d_callback = d; |
timer = setTimeout(function() {console.log(d_callback);}, 1000); |
} |
function islandPopupClear(d) { |
clearTimeout(timer); |
} |
// Callback defined at the top of this file, for |
// double clicks on the plot |
function doubleClick(plotid, bp) { |
// If we have an attached linear plot, we're going |
// to refocus the zoomed area, otherwise we'll just |
// alert the user that a double click happened |
if('undefined' !== typeof linearTrack) { |
var halfBP = (cTrack.brushEndBP - cTrack.brushStartBP) /2; |
var newStart = Math.max(0, (bp - halfBP)); |
var newEnd = Math.min(genomesize, (bp + halfBP)); |
console.log("Moving zoom area to: " + newStart + ", " + newEnd); |
cTrack.moveBrushbyBP(newStart, |
newEnd); |
linearTrack.update(newStart, newEnd); |
} else { |
alert("Double click! From " + plotid + " at " + bp + " bp" ) |
console.log("double click!"); |
console.log(plotid); |
console.log(bp); |
} |
} |