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ts-klassen /
Created June 18, 2023 15:44
VOICEVOX Engineのcancellable_synthesisがnon-blockingである検証

VOICEVOX Engineのcancellable_synthesisがnon-blockingである検証

1. 目的・原理


  • --enable_cancellable_synthesis
  • --init_processes


ここでは、1つ目の合成完了を待ってから2つ目の音声を合成する方式をblocking、 1つ目の合成完了をまだずに2つ目の音声を合成する方式をnon-blockingと呼び区別する。

wllmsash /
Last active February 1, 2025 20:40
Assigning Static IP Addresses in WSL2

Assigning Static IP Addresses in WSL2

WSL2 uses Hyper-V for networking. The WSL2 network settings are ephemeral and configured on demand when any WSL2 instance is first started in a Windows session. The configuration is reset on each Windows restart and the IP addresses change each time. The Windows host creates a hidden switch named "WSL" and a network adapter named "WSL" (appears as "vEthernet (WSL)" in the "Network Connections" panel). The Ubuntu instance creates a corresponding network interface named "eth0".

Assigning static IP addresses to the network interfaces on the Windows host or the WSL2 Ubuntu instance enables support for the following scenarios:

ppisarczyk / Programming_Languages_Extensions.json
Last active March 8, 2025 20:11 — forked from aymen-mouelhi/languages.json
Programming Languages and their File Extensions
"name":"AGS Script",
rosylilly / 00-actor.rb
Last active March 3, 2017 07:03
分かった気になる DCI 、ロミオとジュリエット編 Romeo & Juliette with DCI
# 役者クラス
# say: 役者は声を発する事ができる。
class Actor
def say(words)
puts words
noromanba / hatenalet-loader.js.mkd
Last active June 25, 2022 12:29
Hatena::Let LOADER history and issue (ja)




  • はてなのサーバにスクリプト本体が置かれる
  • ブックマークレットには呼び出しコードだけが書かれている
  • サイトにscript要素を追加して実行(サイトコンテキスト)
fuba / realtime.js
Created February 16, 2011 13:19
Scrape Google realtime search using phantomjs
// phantomjs realtime.js keyword
var xpathes = {
item: '//li[@class="g s"]',
screen_name: './/div/a[@class="l"]/text()',
url: './/div//a[./span]',
text: './/div[./a[@class="l"]]',
var log = {};
migrs / dropbox
Created September 23, 2010 00:19
# /etc/init.d/dropbox
# Provides: dropbox
# Required-Start: $network $syslog $remote_fs
# Required-Stop: $network $syslog $remote_fs
# Should-Start: $named $time
# Should-Stop: $named $time
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start and stop the dropbox daemon for debian/ubuntu
miikka / Simple.hs
Created August 24, 2010 19:07
Simple Haskell Twitter OAuth example
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
You need to register your Twitter application at <>
to get the consumer key and secret needed for OAuth. When connecting to
Twitter for the first time, do this:
let consumer = Consumer "consumer key" "consumer secret"
token <- authenticate