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Created March 27, 2013 06:22
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Crocodoc 3D Demo #4
/* ... */
.crocodoc-page-svg {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
/* ... */
var assetsLocation = '',
svgSrc = 'page-1.svg';
function Page($el) {
/* ... */
var page = new Page($('.page'));
insertStylesheet(assetsLocation + 'css/stylesheet.css');
loadSVG(svgSrc, assetsLocation, function (err, $svg) {
if (err) complainLoudly();
// resize the page so the svg fits
width: $svg.attr('width'),
height: $svg.attr('height')
var $splits = splitSVG($svg, NUM_LAYERS);
$splits.each(function (i) {
// insert each SVG split into the appropriate layer
function loadSVG(src, assetsLocation, callback) {
url: assetsLocation + src,
success: function (response, s, xhr) {
var newNode, sourceDocumentElement = response.documentElement;
// replace the relative paths to images embedded in the svg
// with absolute paths so they work properly when the svg is embedded inline
$(sourceDocumentElement).find('image').each(function (i, im){
$(im).attr('xlink:href', assetsLocation + $(im).attr('xlink:href'));
// importNode shim for IE 9
newNode = importNode(sourceDocumentElement, true);
callback(null, $(newNode));
error: function () {
callback('Error loading SVG ('+ assetsLocation + src +')');
function insertStylesheet(src) {
if (document.createStyleSheet) { // IE
var ss = document.createElement("link");
ss.type = "text/css";
ss.rel = "stylesheet";
ss.href = src;
* Split an SVG into several "layers" based on the width*height of elements
* requires for IE 9 support
var splitSVG = (function ($) {
"use strict";
function splitSVG($svg, maxSplits) {
$svg = $svg.clone();
var $svglayer,
$children = $svg.children(),
childrenArr = $.makeArray($children),
numSplits = 0,
splits = [];
// put it in the DOM so we can get the width/height of elements
$('<div>').append($svg).appendTo(document.body).css({left: -10000, top: -10000 });
// sort the child elements by descending area
childrenArr.sort(function (a, b) {
return getArea(b) - getArea(a);
// pick the first <maxSplits> children as "split" elements
$(childrenArr.slice(0, Math.min(childrenArr.length - 1, maxSplits - 1))).attr('data-split-el', true);
// organize elements into layers
$children.each(function (i, el) {
// ignore style and defs tags
if (el.tagName == 'style') return;
if (el.tagName == 'defs') return;
var $el = $(el), cls = $el.attr('class');
$el.attr('class', (cls || '') + ' layer-el-'+numSplits);
if ($el.attr('data-split-el')) numSplits++;
for (var i = 0; i <= numSplits; ++i) {
// clone the base svg
$svglayer = $svg.clone();
$svglayer.attr('data-split', i);
// remove elements from other splits
removeObjectsFromOtherSplits($svglayer, numSplits, i);
// IE9 Hack
// remove it from DOM
$svg.parent().remove().css({ left: '', top: '' });
return $(splits);
function removeObjectsFromOtherSplits($svgRoot, numSplits, splitNum) {
for (var i = 0; i < numSplits+1; ++i) {
if (i === splitNum) continue;
$('.layer-el-'+i, $svgRoot).each(removeEl);
function removeEl(i, el) {
function getArea(el) {
if (el) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect() || el.getBBox && el.getBBox();
if (rect) return rect.width * rect.height;
return 0;
// force svg <style> and <def> to work when cloning svg docs (IE 9)
// requires
function fixStylesAndDefs($svg) {
$('style, def', $svg).each(function (i, s) {
s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML + ' ';
return splitSVG;
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