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║ Criteria ║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ Chaining ║ Does not have the ability ║ Can chain functions and triggers ║
║ of ║ to chain functions. ║ to build a serverless application ║
║ Functions ║ ║ ║
║ Visual ║ Does not have the Visual cloud ║ Has the Visual cloud IDE where ║
║ Cloud IDE ║ IDE to drag and drop functions ║ developers can drag-and-drop ║
║ ║ ║ functions to create serverless ║
║ ║ ║ application ║
║ Reuse of ║ Not Applicable ║ Functions within one serverless ║
║ functions ║ ║ application can be reused in ║
║ ║ ║ another application thereby ║
║ ║ ║ reducing re-work and boosting ║
║ ║ ║ developer productivity ║
║ Supported ║ Java, NodeJS, Python, .NET, ║ NodeJS (As of 2022/07). As per ║
║ Languages ║ Ruby and custom runtime(docker) ║ the docs, they have plan to ║
║ (runtime) ║ ║ support more runtime ║
║ Source code ║ AWS SDK allows us to test the ║ The only way to test ║
║ Testing ║ Lambda functions locally and ║ now (As of 2022/07) is to deploy ║
║ ║ there are several 3rd party ║ the functions and invoke it by ║
║ ║ frameworks to test the Lambda ║ the trigger. (As per docs, they ║
║ ║ functions. ║ have plan to develop Lolo ║
║ ║ ║ functions locally) ║
║ Integration ║ Has native integration with ║ 3rd party NPM modules can be ║
║ ║ many AWS services there by ║ added to the application and can ║
║ ║ supporting various use cases. ║ be used. Integrating with AWS service ║
║ ║ ║ like DynamoDB, RDS is possible by ║
║ ║ ║ leveraging the NPM-AWS libraries. ║
║ Development ║ Lambda supports setting up ║ - Doesn't support environment ║
║ Environment ║ various environments such as ║ management as an out-of box ║
║ ║ development, staging and ║ service. ║
║ ║ production by using alias and ║ ║
║ ║ integrate with CI/CD tools to ║ - We can create different Lolo ║
║ ║ promote to different ║ code applications with same copy ║
║ ║ environment on successful ║ of functions to manage different ║
║ ║ passing of test cases. ║ environments. ║
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