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Last active August 17, 2020 21:21
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# Working around the dreaded Dell XPS “Power Limit Throttling” problem | by Matthew Casperson | Medium -
# Problem with ending a loop on keypress - PowerShell General - Ask the Experts - IDERA Community -
# Automated Power Limit Script - Feedback : gpdwin -
# windows 10 - Intel XTU Undervolt settings not working between reboots - Super User -
# Apply an Intel XTU profile from PowerShell -
# **DISCLAIMER**: Use the script at your own risk. I've been running it successfully for several days now
# but I can't say that this is a safe practise and **I cannot guarantee that it won't damage your laptop**.
# Use it only if you understand what the script does, if you understand the risks involved,
# if you understand what those settings are and, finally, if you feel comfortable with tinkering those values.
# In any case, I won't be held responsible if any damage happens to your laptop.
$power_limit_throttling_id = 22
$turbo_boost_power_max_id = 48
$turbo_boost_power_max_value = 45 # W
$turbo_boost_power_max_value_alt = 46 # W
Push-Location ~\Desktop\Client
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss" # Get-Date -DisplayHint Time
Write-Host "`nMonitoring for 'Power Limit Throttling'" -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
Write-Host " (Press Q to exit)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "`nStart`t`t`t$timestamp"
$sleep = 2 # seconds
while ($true)
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss" # Get-Date -DisplayHint Time
$output = & .\XtuCLI.exe -m -id $power_limit_throttling_id | Out-String
$output -match "Power Limit Throttling\s+([01])" | Out-Null
if ($Matches[1] -eq 1)
Write-Host "`nPower limit throttling`t" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host $timestamp
& .\XtuCLI.exe -t -id $turbo_boost_power_max_id -v $turbo_boost_power_max_value_alt | Out-Null
Start-Sleep $sleep
& .\XtuCLI.exe -t -id $turbo_boost_power_max_id -v $turbo_boost_power_max_value | Out-Null
Write-Host "`rLast check`t`t$timestamp" -NoNewline
if ($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ("q" -eq $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("IncludeKeyUp,NoEcho").Character))
Start-Sleep $sleep
Write-Host `n
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