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Created March 17, 2015 22:58
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Bidirectional typechecking using GADTs and DataKinds
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs, StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies #-}
module Bidirectional where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when)
-- 'Flow d a' is like 'Maybe a' except the type index 'd' says whether
-- we're given a value or whether we want one.
data Direction = Wanted | Given
type family Reverse (d :: Direction) :: Direction
type instance Reverse Wanted = Given
type instance Reverse Given = Wanted
data Flow (d :: Direction) a where
Want :: Flow Wanted a
Give :: a -> Flow Given a
instance Functor (Flow d) where
fmap f Want = Want
fmap f (Give x) = Give (f x)
-- instance Contravariant (Flow Want) where
-- contramap _ Want = Want
deriving instance Show a => Show (Flow d a)
type Input c d = Flow d c
type Output c d = Flow (Reverse d) c
-- DeBruijn encoding of STLC with one base type
data Type =
BaseT | ArrT Type Type
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Expr =
V Int | Lam Expr | App Expr Expr
deriving (Show)
-- type checking monad: ReaderT [Type] (Error String)
newtype TC a = TC { runTC :: [Type] -> Either String a }
instance Functor TC where
fmap f (TC c) = TC $ \env -> fmap f (c env)
instance Applicative TC where
pure = return
mf <*> mx = do
f <- mf
x <- mx
return (f x)
instance Monad TC where
return x = TC $ const (Right x)
(TC c) >>= f = TC $ \env -> do
x <- c env
runTC (f x) env
typeError :: String -> TC a
typeError = TC . const . Left
extendEnv :: Type -> TC a -> TC a
extendEnv t kont = TC $ \env -> runTC kont (t:env)
askEnv :: TC [Type]
askEnv = TC return
-- Bidirectional typechecking algorithm for STLC
typeCheck :: Expr -> Input Type d -> TC (Output Type d)
typeCheck e i =
case e of
V v -> tcVar v i
Lam body ->
case i of
Give (ArrT t1 t2) -> do
extendEnv t1 $ typeCheck body (Give t2)
_ -> typeError "lambda not checking or not arrow type"
App e1 e2 -> do
(Give tf) <- typeCheck e1 Want
tres <- case tf of
ArrT targ tres -> do
Want <- typeCheck e2 (Give targ)
return tres
_ -> typeError "application of non-function"
putatively tres i
putatively :: Eq t => t -> Input t d -> TC (Output t d)
putatively tactual Want = return (Give tactual)
putatively tactual (Give texpected) = do
when (texpected /= tactual) $
typeError "expected and actual types differ"
return $ Want
tcVar :: Int -> Input Type d -> TC (Output Type d)
tcVar n i = do
t <- fmap (!! n) askEnv
putatively t i
-- Example
-- >>> example
-- Right Want
example =
e = Lam $ Lam $ App (V 1) (Lam $ V 1)
ty = ArrT (ArrT (ArrT BaseT BaseT) BaseT)
(ArrT BaseT BaseT)
env = []
in runTC (typeCheck e (Give ty)) env
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But this chokes on applications of lambda expressions, e.g.

runTC (typeCheck e (Give ty)) env
    env = []
    e = App (Lam $ V 0) (Lam $ V 0)
    ty = ArrT BaseT BaseT

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