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Created July 24, 2014 22:34
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Reverse State Monad in OCaml.
(* technically this is the lazy state monad. In particular, note the return type of get *)
module type STATE_MONAD =
type ('a,'s) st
val return : 'a -> ('a,'s) st
val bind : ('a,'s) st -> ('a -> ('b, 's) st) -> ('b, 's) st
val get : ('s Lazy.t, 's) st
val modify : ('s -> 's) -> (unit, 's) st
val put : 's -> (unit, 's) st
val lazyPut : 's Lazy.t -> (unit, 's) st
val run : ('a, 's) st -> 's -> 'a * 's
(* A few convenience functions *)
module LazyUtils =
type 'a l = 'a Lazy.t
let fst (p : ('a * 'b) l) : 'a l =
lazy (match p
with lazy (x,y) -> x)
let snd (p : ('a * 'b) l) : 'b l =
lazy (match p
with lazy (x,y) -> y)
(* collapse a lazy lazy value to a lazy value.
The important bit here is to only force the outer computation
within a lazy expression. The trick to laziness is to never ever eta-contract.
let join (xll : 'a l l) : 'a l = lazy (Lazy.force (Lazy.force xll))
module RevState : STATE_MONAD =
type 's l = 's Lazy.t
type ('a, 's) st = 's l -> 'a * 's l
let return x s = (x, s)
let bind (mx : ('a, 's) st) (f : ('a -> ('b, 's) st)) (s : 's l) : ('b * 's l) =
(* conceptually we want
let rec (lazy (y, s'')) = lazy (mx s')
and (lazy (z, s')) = lazy (f y s)
in (force z, s'')
but that's not legal Caml.
So instead we get back lazy pairs of type ('a * 's l) l and we
lazily project out the pieces that we need.
let rec ys'' = lazy (mx (LazyUtils.join (LazyUtils.snd zs')))
and (zs' : ('b * 's l) l) = lazy (f (Lazy.force (LazyUtils.fst ys'')) s)
in (Lazy.force (LazyUtils.fst zs'), LazyUtils.join (LazyUtils.snd ys''))
let get st = (st, st)
let modify f st =
let st' = lazy (f (Lazy.force st))
in ((), st')
let put st = modify (fun _ -> st)
let lazyPut st _ = ((), st)
let run comp st =
let (ans, lazy st) = comp (Lazy.from_val st)
in (ans, st)
module SimpleExample =
open RevState
let example = bind get (fun ans ->
bind (put "a") (fun () -> return ans))
(* try: SimpleExample.example "xyz" *)
(* a module of lazy infinite lists, just for the upcoming example *)
module LazyList =
type 'a lazy_list = | Cons of 'a * 'a lazy_list Lazy.t
let scanl (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'b) : ('b -> 'a lazy_list -> 'b lazy_list) =
let rec go y0 (Cons (x,xs)) =
Cons (y0, lazy (go (f x y0) (Lazy.force xs)))
in go
let rec ones = Cons (1, lazy ones)
let rec take n (Cons (x, xs) : 'a lazy_list) : 'a list =
if n = 0
then []
else x :: (take (n - 1) (Lazy.force xs))
(* transcibed from *)
module Fibs =
open RevState
let cumulativeSums = LazyList.scanl (+) 0
let fibs_comp =
bind get (fun fibs ->
bind (modify cumulativeSums) (fun () ->
bind (lazyPut (lazy (LazyList.Cons (1, fibs)))) (fun () ->
return fibs)))
let computeFibs = let (_, s) = run fibs_comp LazyList.ones
in s
(* try: LazyList.take 10 computeFibs *)
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