You are a research analyst and you are required to summarize the key insights of given numerical tables.
You are a research analyst and you are required to summarize the key insights of given numerical tables.
A very biased collection of quotes and ideas from the book Deep Work by Cal Newport (2016).
flowchart LR
A((Deep Work)) -->|Versus| B(Shallow Work)
B --> B1[Shallow work promotes more shallow work]
#!/bin/bash | |
wdate () { | |
search=$1; | |
zoneinfo=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/pytz/zoneinfo/; | |
format='%a %F %T'; | |
find -L $zoneinfo -type f \ |
-- Pub criteria: | |
-- FOR code | |
-- Specific journals | |
-- Year | |
-- Author criteria: | |
-- FCR (of any paper for last 5 years) > 1.5 | |
-- Last publication < 24 months ago | |
-- Total publications > 7 |
-- example 1 | |
-- unnest an array in line so to perform an aggregation | |
select | |
id, | |
(SELECT MAX(e) from UNNEST(email) e) as first_email | |
from `dimensions-ai.data_analytics.researchers` r | |
WHERE ARRAY_LENGTH(email) > 0 | |
LIMIT 10 |
-- Return researchers and their publication count | |
-- publications with FOR “11 Medical and Health Sciences” | |
-- WHERE | |
-- Researcher is from Canada, Austria, Belgium, Czech Rep, Denmark, Finland, France, Australia | |
-- Researcher did NOT publish in the 2018, 2019, 2020 in a journal from publisher “Public Library of Science (PLoS)” | |
-- Researcher has email address | |
-- number of publications is minimum 3 | |
-- sorted by | |
-- publication count |
p.id, | |
p.title.preferred AS title, | |
p.doi, | |
p.year, | |
p.journal.title, | |
p.type, | |
p.date AS date_publication, | |
p.date_inserted, | |
''' | |
HTTP Reuests has following parameters: | |
1)Request URL | |
2)Header Fields | |
3)Parameter | |
4)Request body | |
* head over to https://github.com/settings/tokens and generate a new token with 'gists' permissions |