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Created December 31, 2024 09:24
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// vertices are implicit in the set of values of type 'a
type Graph<'a when 'a: comparison> = { edges: Set<'a * 'a> }
let adjacent (g: Graph<'a>) (x: 'a) =
g.edges |> Set.filter (fun (y, _) -> x = y) |> snd
let graphLevels (startVertex: 'a) (g: Graph<'a>) =
let rec subLevels (level: Set<'a>, visited: Set<'a>) =
match level with
| _ when level.IsEmpty -> []
| _ ->
let adj = level |> (adjacent g) |> Set.unionMany
let newLevel = adj - visited
let newVisited = newLevel + visited
Set.toList level :: subLevels (newLevel, newVisited)
subLevels (Set [ startVertex ], Set [ startVertex ])
let printLevels xs =
|> List.iter (fun xs -> xs |> _.ToString() |> String.concat "; " |> printfn "[%s]")
type KönigsbergShores =
| Kneiphof
| Altstadt
| Lomse
| Vorstadt
let königsbergBridges =
{ edges =
[ Kneiphof, Altstadt
Altstadt, Kneiphof
Kneiphof, Lomse
Kneiphof, Vorstadt
Vorstadt, Kneiphof
Altstadt, Lomse
Lomse, Vorstadt ] }
königsbergBridges |> graphLevels Altstadt |> printLevels
// assumes every other natural number not in the edges is a vertex of the graph
let intGraph = { edges = Set [ 0, 1; 0, 3; 1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 0; 3, 4; 4, 5 ] }
intGraph |> graphLevels 0 |> printLevels
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