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Created December 30, 2024 16:57
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type Tree<'a> = { value: 'a; children: Tree<'a> list }
let rec levels (ts: Tree<'a> list) =
match ts with
| [] -> []
| _ ->
let xs, chls = ts |> (fun t -> t.value, t.children) |> List.unzip
let subs = chls |> List.concat |> levels
xs :: subs
[ { value = 1
children =
[ { value = 2
children =
[ { value = 5
children = [ { value = 6; children = [] } ] } ] }
{ value = 3
children =
[ { value = 4
children = [ { value = 7; children = [] } ] } ] } ] } ]
|> levels
|> List.iter (fun xs -> printfn $"{xs}")
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