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Created November 22, 2024 17:27
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Compare objects .Net
#r "nuget: ObjectDumper.NET, 4.3.4-pre"
let greenFragment x =
let ansiGreen = "\x1b[32m"
let ansiReset = "\x1b[0m"
let redFragment x =
let ansiRed = "\x1b[31m"
let ansiReset = "\x1b[0m"
let fillArrays (xs: string array) (ys: string array) =
let diff = xs.Length - ys.Length
if diff > 0 then
xs, Array.replicate diff "" |> Array.append ys
Array.replicate (diff * -1) "" |> Array.append xs, ys
let diffSideBySide (actual: string array) (expected: string array) =
let max = actual |> Array.maxBy _.Length |> _.Length
let fillLine (x: string) =
let diff = max - x.Length
let fill = if diff > 0 then String.replicate diff " " else ""
fillArrays actual expected
|> fun (xs, ys) -> xs ys
|> (function
| (x, y) when x <> y -> $"{redFragment (fillLine x)} {greenFragment y}"
| (x, y) -> $"{fillLine x} {y}")
let diffObjects (actual: 'a) (expected: 'b) =
let left = ObjectDumper.Dump actual |> _.Split('\n')
let right = ObjectDumper.Dump expected |> _.Split('\n')
diffSideBySide left right
type Dog =
{ name: string
color: string
address: string }
let morty =
{ name = "morty"
color = "green"
address = "Pennsylvania Avenue 1600" }
let rick =
{ name = "rick"
color = "rick"
address = morty.address }
diffObjects morty rick |> Array.iter System.Console.WriteLine
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