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Last active January 2, 2025 23:40
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Print a tree
type Branch<'a, 'b> =
{ value: 'a
children: Tree<'a, 'b> seq }
and Tree<'a, 'b> =
| Branch of Branch<'a, 'b>
| Leaf of 'b
type PrinterContext<'a, 'b> =
abstract member branchToString: 'a -> string
abstract member leafToString: 'b -> string
// the trick:
// when you are in node N, with children XS
// connect N directly to each X in XS
// each X in XS produces a list of lines,
// indent each one and include them in the result for N
let printTree (ctx: PrinterContext<'a, 'b>) (t: Tree<'a, 'b>) =
let connectIndent (isLast: bool) (child: string, grandChild: string list) =
let childConn, colConn = if isLast then "└── ", "   " else "├── ", "│   "
let connected = childConn + child
let indented = grandChild |> (fun x -> colConn + x)
connected :: indented
let rec treeToLines t =
match t with
| Branch { value = v; children = xs } ->
let l = Seq.length xs
let root = ctx.branchToString v
let children =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> treeToLines c |> connectIndent (i = l - 1))
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.toList
(root, children)
| Leaf v -> ctx.leafToString v, []
let r, chl = treeToLines t
r :: chl |> String.concat "\n"
type Operator =
| And
| Or
| Equivales
type Identifier = string
type Expression = Tree<Operator, Identifier>
let binary op x y =
Branch { value = op; children = [ x; y ] }
let andOp x y : Expression = binary And x y
let orOp x y : Expression = binary Or x y
let equivOp x y : Expression = binary Equivales x y
let x = Leaf "x"
let y = Leaf "y"
let z = Leaf "z"
let original = "((x ≡ y) ∨ (y ≡ z)) ∧ z"
let expr = andOp (orOp (equivOp x y) (equivOp y z)) z
let ctx =
{ new PrinterContext<Operator, Identifier> with
member _.branchToString op =
match op with
| And -> "∧"
| Or -> "∨"
| Equivales -> "≡"
member _.leafToString l = l }
printfn $"expression: {original}\n"
printfn $"tree:\n{printTree ctx expr}"
expression: ((x ≡ y) ∨ (y ≡ z)) ∧ z
├── ∨
│   ├── ≡
│   │   ├── x
│   │   └── y
│   └── ≡
│      ├── y
│      └── z
└── z
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