- :w - save file
- :q - close file
- :q! - close file without saving
- :x - save and close
- h - left
- j - down
- k - up
- l - right
- gg - beginning of the file
- G - end of the file
- ^ - beginning of line
- $ - end of line
- Ctrl + d - page down
- Ctrl + u - page up
- % - matching/closing parentheses (or tag in HTML)
- u - undo
- Ctrl + r - redo
- i - insert before caret
- a - insert after caret
- o - new line below current line and switch into insert mode
- O - new line above current line and switch into insert mode
- x - deletes character under caret
- d - delete selected characters/lines
- dd - deletes current line
- r - replace character under caret with new character you write next
- v - switch to visual mode and character selection
- V - switch to visal mode and line selection
- Ctrl + v - switch to visual mode and block selection
- y - copy selection
- p - paste below current line
- P - paste above current line