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Created March 22, 2015 01:26
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Integrate ScalaTest with Spring
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite}
import org.springframework.core.annotation.{AnnotatedElementUtils, AnnotationAttributes}
import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext
import org.springframework.test.context.{TestContext, TestContextManager}
import org.springframework.util.Assert
* Manages Spring test contexts via a TestContextManager.
* Implemented as a stackable trait that uses beforeAll() and afterAll() hooks to invoke initialization
* and destruction logic, respectively.
* Test contexts are marked dirty, and hence cleaned up, after all test methods have executed.
* There is currently no support for indicating that a test method dirties a context.
* Sample usage:
* {{{
* @ContextConfiguration(classes = Array(classOf[SomeConfiguration]))
* class SomeTestSpec extends FlatSpec with TestContextManagement {
* // Use standard Autowired Spring annotation to inject necessary dependencies
* // Note that Spring will inject val (read-only) fields
* @Autowired
* val someDependency: SomeClass = _
* "Some test" should "verify something" in {
* // Test implementation that uses injected dependency
* }
* }
* }}}
* @see org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager
trait TestContextManagement extends BeforeAndAfterAll { this: Suite =>
private val testContextManager: TestContextManager = new TestContextManager(this.getClass)
abstract override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
abstract override def afterAll(): Unit = {
* Test execution listener that always dirties the context to ensure that contexts get cleaned after test execution.
* Note that this class dirties the context after all test methods have run.
protected object AlwaysDirtiesContextTestExecutionListener extends DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener {
override def afterTestClass(testContext: TestContext) {
val testClass: Class[_] = testContext.getTestClass
Assert.notNull(testClass, "The test class of the supplied TestContext must not be null")
val annotationType: String = classOf[DirtiesContext].getName
val annAttrs: AnnotationAttributes = AnnotatedElementUtils.getAnnotationAttributes(testClass, annotationType)
val hierarchyMode: DirtiesContext.HierarchyMode = if ((annAttrs == null)) null else annAttrs.getEnum[DirtiesContext.HierarchyMode]("hierarchyMode")
dirtyContext(testContext, hierarchyMode)
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