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Lance Gliser lancegliser

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lancegliser / getIntersectionOverUnion.test.ts
Created September 23, 2022 20:12
Typescript intersection over union
import { getIntersectionOverUnion } from "./math";
describe("getIntersectionOverUnion", () => {
// Values from
it("should accept two sets of coordinates and return a numeric value", () => {
const intersectionOverUnion = getIntersectionOverUnion(
[1202, 123, 1650, 868],
[1162.0001, 92.0021, 1619.9832, 694.0033]
lancegliser / typescriptDebouncedOnChangeImplementation.tsx
Created November 4, 2021 14:50
Provides a lodash debounced based implementation of an onChange handler to update state with full Typescript support
import React, {
} from "react";
import { TextField } from "@material-ui/core";
import { debounce } from "lodash";
lancegliser / mapbox-render-bezier-gradient-zoom-lines.ts
Last active April 8, 2020 00:18
Provides an example for drawing curved lines from nodes using turf.js' bezier functionality including line styling with gradients, transparency, and zoom customization. Oh and popups.
import mapboxgl, {
getBezierLine, getDarkenedColor,
primaryColor, setMapCursorPointer, unsetMapCursorPointer
} from "../../../../../Projects/Demo/frontend/src/utils/mapbox/mapbox";
import {EventData, MapboxGeoJSONFeature, MapMouseEvent} from "mapbox-gl";
import {Properties} from "@turf/helpers";
import midpoint from "@turf/midpoint";
import * as turfHelpers from "@turf/helpers";
import bezierSpline from "@turf/bezier-spline";
lancegliser / mapbox-utilities.ts
Created April 8, 2020 00:11
A set of common functions you can customize for your application
// @ts-ignore - Wish this didn't suck, but it does and I'm moving on.
import MapiClient, { SdkConfig } from "@mapbox/mapbox-sdk";
import MapboxGeocoder, {
} from "@mapbox/mapbox-sdk/services/geocoding";
import mapboxgl, {
lancegliser / mapbox-corrections.css
Created April 8, 2020 00:06
A set of common corrections to the css provided by mapboxgl to handle some edge cases I've found.
.mapboxgl-popup-content {
/* The content is delcared with a white background, but no default color */
color: #222;
.mapboxgl-ctrl-bottom-left {
/* Provides a barrier to prevent long content from overlapping the other control groups */
right: 56px;
lancegliser / getHtmlElementFromVueComponent.ts
Created April 8, 2020 00:02
Rendering a Vue component from outside a view instance in JS / TS
import rootVM from "@/main.ts";
import YourComponent from "@/components/YourComponent.vue";
export const getHtmlElementFromVueComponent = (): HTMLElement => {
const element = document.createElement("span");
// This may not show an IDE error.
// You can reproduce what's being ignored using npm run test:unit.
// @ts-ignore
const yourComponent = new Vue({
lancegliser / d3-v5-multi-line-chart.js
Created March 12, 2020 13:34
A dirt simple example of a D3 chart using multiple lines, dots, and text elements on version 5.
const render = (data) => {
var height = 900;
var width = 1000;
var margin = { top: 20, right: 15, bottom: 25, left: 25 };
width = width - margin.left - margin.right;
height = height - - margin.bottom;
lancegliser / keywordsResponseTypes.ts
Created February 7, 2020 16:50
An example of creating a wrapping object that allows for data property only (without function) partial constructors for nested classes with functions.
type NonFunctionPropertyNames<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? never : K;
}[keyof T];
type NonFunctionProperties<T> = Pick<T, NonFunctionPropertyNames<T>>;
type PartialWithoutFunctions<T> = Partial<NonFunctionProperties<T>>;
interface IKeywordsResponseArguments {
results?: PartialWithoutFunctions<KeywordResult>[];
export class KeywordsResponse extends ResultsResponse {
lancegliser / .GoogleMap.vue
Created January 20, 2020 18:57
Provides a single component for displaying a google map using minimum properties using typescript and Vue's composition API
:style="{ 'min-height': minHeight }"
<script lang="ts">
import {
lancegliser / .ErrorBoundary.vue
Last active January 15, 2020 21:11
Basic error boundary component for Vue JS using the V2 composition api. Adapated from
<script lang="ts">
import {
} from "@vue/composition-api";
import DefaultFallbackUI from "./ErrorBoundaryFallbackUI.vue";
import { IErrorBoundaryState } from "@/components/errorBoundary/IErrorBoundary";