apt install fd-find
brew install fd
:MasonInstall debugpy
create file ${HOME}/.config/lvim/lua/plugins/venv-selector.lua
put this in it. from docs
return {
dependencies = { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "mfussenegger/nvim-dap-python" },
opts = {
-- Your options go here
-- name = "venv",
-- auto_refresh = false
event = "VeryLazy", -- Optional: needed only if you want to type `:VenvSelect` without a keymapping
keys = {
-- Keymap to open VenvSelector to pick a venv.
{ "<leader>vs", "<cmd>VenvSelect<cr>" },
-- Keymap to retrieve the venv from a cache (the one previously used for the same project directory).
{ "<leader>vc", "<cmd>VenvSelectCached<cr>" },