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Last active December 27, 2015 11:49
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Save language-engineering/7321434 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Say for example we acquire a list of BasicToken objects by getting all the dependants of a token:
dependants = parsed_sentence.get_dependants(aspect_token)
# We could filter that list, keeping only those tokens whose dependency relations with the aspect token are "dobj", by doing the following:
dependants = [token for token in dependants if token.deprel == "dobj"]
# Or we could filter that list, keeping only those tokens whose PoS tags are "RB" (for adverb)
dependants = [token for token in dependants if token.pos == "RB"]
# Or we could filter that list, keeping only those tokens whose form is NOT "main" or "special"
dependants = [token for token in dependants if token.form != "main" and token.form != "special"]
# Or if we had a single token, we could choose to add it to a list or not based on its properties
opinions = []
if token.pos.startswith("JJ"): # If token is an adjective, then append its form to our list of opinions
# Or we could search tokens for a property we wish to know is present
found_det = False
for dependant in dependants:
if dependant.deprel == "det":
found_det = True
# Now subsequent code can use "found_det" to perform different tasks depending on
# whether or not there was a determiner relation in the dependants.
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