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Last active December 27, 2015 16:19
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  • Save language-engineering/7354040 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save language-engineering/7354040 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from sussex_nltk.parse import load_parsed_dvd_sentences, load_parsed_example_sentences
aspect = "plot" # Set this to the aspect token you're interested in
save_file_path = r"/path/to/savefile.txt" # Set this to the location of the file you wish to create/overwrite with the saved output.
# Tracking these numbers will allow us to see what proportion of sentences we discovered features in
sentences_with_discovered_features = 0 # Number of sentences we discovered features in
total_sentences = 0 # Total number of sentences
# This is a "with statement", it invokes a context manager, which handles the opening and closing of resources (like files)
with open(save_file_path, "w") as save_file: # The 'w' says that we want to write to the file
# Iterate over all the parsed sentences
for parsed_sentence in load_parsed_dvd_sentences(aspect):
total_sentences += 1 # We've seen another sentence
opinions = [] # Make a list for holding any opinions we extract in this sentence
# Iterate over each of the aspect tokens in the sentences (in case there is more than one)
for aspect_token in parsed_sentence.get_query_tokens(aspect):
# Call your opinion extractor
opinions += opinion_extractor(aspect_token, parsed_sentence)
# If we found any opinions, write to the output file what we know.
if opinions:
# Currently, the sentence will only be printed if opinions were found. But if you want to know what you're missing, you could move the sentence printing outside the if-statement
# Print a separator and the raw unparsed sentence
save_file.write("--- Sentence: %s ---\n" % parsed_sentence.raw()) # "\n" starts a new line
# Print the parsed sentence
save_file.write("%s\n" % parsed_sentence)
# Print opinions extracted
save_file.write("Opinions: %s\n" % opinions)
sentences_with_discovered_features += 1 # We've found features in another sentence
print "%s sentences out of %s contained features" % (sentences_with_discovered_features, total_sentences)
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