npm install puppeteer
Modify your username
and the amount of pages you see in Trakt website in at the top of each .js file.
activate application "SystemUIServer" | |
tell application "System Events" | |
tell process "SystemUIServer" | |
-- Working CONNECT Script. Goes through the following: | |
-- Clicks on Bluetooth Menu (OSX Top Menu Bar) | |
-- => Clicks on SX-991 Item | |
-- => Clicks on Connect Item | |
set btMenu to (menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1 whose description contains "bluetooth") | |
tell btMenu | |
click |
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1GUMzJqJpGXQ43nTvd37vuS35k3WTxkRxU |
Verifying my identity on 0x6451cfa60263829d85aa3cafb5b308d5962dcc6a |
import boto3 | |
s3 = boto3.resource('s3') | |
def human_size(bytes, units=[' bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB', 'PB', 'EB']): | |
return str(bytes) + units[0] if bytes < 1024 else human_size(bytes>>10, units[1:]) | |
def get_bucket_size(balde): | |
bucket = s3.Bucket(balde) | |
total_size = 0 |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
var request = require('request'); | |
var token = 'your:token-here', | |
baseUrl = '' + token + '/'; | |
module.exports = function(context, cb) { | |
var command =; | |
var chat =; | |
// intercept command /hello |
module.exports = exports = function relativeImageUrl(schema, options) { | |
var relField = options.relativeUrlField || 'relUrl', | |
field = {}; | |
field[relField] = String; | |
schema.add(field); | |
schema.pre('save', function(next) { | |
var photoField = options.absoluteUrlField || 'large', | |
removeStr = process.env.PWD + '/client', |
class Author(models.Model): | |
name = models.CharField(max_length=200) | |
class Book(models.Model): | |
title = models.CharField(max_length=200) | |
author = models.ForeignKey(Author) | |
# here it is: | |
# this should start from 1 for the same author | |
# examples: | |
# author1 | 1 |