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Created December 3, 2008 18:36
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;;; RSpec stack example:
;;; Implementation
(ns specjure.examples
(:refer-clojure :exclude [empty? peek])
(:use specjure))
(defn stack []
(ref ()))
(defn empty? [stk]
(clojure/empty? @stk))
(defn full? [stk]
(= (count @stk) 10))
(defn peek [stk]
(when (empty? stk) (throw (new java.util.EmptyStackException)))
(clojure/peek @stk))
(defn push! [stk val]
(when (full? stk) (throw (new Exception)))
(dosync (alter stk conj val)))
(defn pop! [stk]
(when (empty? stk) (throw (new java.util.EmptyStackException)))
(let [result (first @stk)]
(dosync (alter stk pop))
;;; Specs
(shared-examples-for "non-empty specjure.examples/stack" []
(it "is not empty"
(should not be empty
($get :stack)))
(it "returns the top item when applied to specjure.examples/peek"
(should = ($get :last-item-added)
(peek ($get :stack))))
(it "does not remove the top item when applied to specjure.examples/peek"
(should = ($get :last-item-added)
(peek ($get :stack)))
(should = ($get :last-item-added)
(peek ($get :stack))))
(it "returns the top item when applied to specjure.examples/pop!"
(should = ($get :last-item-added)
(pop! ($get :stack))))
(it "removes the top item when applied to specjure.examples/pop!"
(should = ($get :last-item-added)
(pop! ($get :stack)))
(when-not (empty? ($get :stack))
(should not = ($get :last-item-added)
(pop! ($get :stack))))))
(shared-examples-for "non-full specjure.examples/stack" []
(it "is not full"
(should not be full
($get :stack)))
(it "adds to the top when applied to specjure.examples/push!"
(push! ($get :stack) "newly added top item")
(when-not (empty? ($get :stack))
(should = "newly added top item"
(peek ($get :stack))))))
(describe stack
(before-each ($assoc! :stack (stack)))
(describe "(empty)"
(it "is empty"
(should be empty
($get :stack)))
(it-behaves-like "non-full specjure.examples/stack")
(it "complains when applied to specjure.examples/peek"
(should throw java.util.EmptyStackException
(peek ($get :stack))))
(it "complains when applied to specjure.examples/pop!"
(should throw java.util.EmptyStackException
(pop! ($get :stack)))))
(describe "(with one item)"
(push! ($get :stack) 3)
($assoc! :last-item-added 3))
(it-behaves-like "non-empty specjure.examples/stack")
(it-behaves-like "non-full specjure.examples/stack"))
(describe "(with one item less than capactiy)"
(doseq i (range 1 10) (push! ($get :stack) i))
($assoc! :last-item-added 9))
(it-behaves-like "non-empty specjure.examples/stack")
(it-behaves-like "non-full specjure.examples/stack"))
(describe "(full)"
(doseq i (range 1 11) (push! ($get :stack) i))
($assoc! :last-item-added 10))
(it "is full"
(should be full
($get :stack)))
(it-behaves-like "non-empty specjure.examples/stack")
(it "complains when applied to specjure.examples/push!"
(should throw Exception
(push! ($get :stack) (fn []))))))
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