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Created March 23, 2016 17:51
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returns an edge to face map for a THREE geometry. make sure the vertices are merged before hand
'use strict'
var getWingedEdges = function( g ){
var edgeMap = {};
// find the edges
function getEdgeKey( i0, i1 ){
return Math.min(i0, i1) + '_' + Math.max(i0, i1);
function addEdge( i0, i1, faceIndex ){
var edgeKey = getEdgeKey( i0, i1 );
if(edgeMap[ edgeKey ] !== undefined){
edgeMap[ edgeKey ].f.push( faceIndex );
} else {
edgeMap[ edgeKey ] = {
v: [i0, i1],
f: [faceIndex],
normal: new THREE.Vector3()
return edgeKey;
g.faces.forEach( function( f, i ){
addEdge(f.a, f.b, i);
addEdge(f.b, f.c, i);
addEdge(f.c, f.a, i);
// compute edge normals
function normalFromTwoVector( v0, v1 ){
return v0.cross( v1 ).normalize();
var v = g.vertices;
for(var i in edgeMap){
var e = edgeMap[i];
if(e.f.length > 1){
// average the face normals
var n = e.normal.set(0,0,0);
e.f.forEach( function( i ){
n.add( g.faces[i].normal );
n.divideScalar( e.f.length );
} else {
var f = g.faces[ e.f[0] ];
var v0 = f.normal.normalize().clone();
var v1 = v[ e.v[0] ].clone().sub( v[ e.v[1] ] ).normalize();
e.normal.copy( normalFromTwoVector( v0, v1 ) );
return edgeMap
module.exports = getWingedEdges;
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