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#! /usr/bin/env Rscript
if (!require("pacman"))
install.packages("pacman", repos = "")
# See
# for an intro to eulerr
before_disqual <- c( # From Robert:
bash-5.0$ env BUILD_IN_DOCKER=1 make -Cexamples/hello-world
make: Entering directory '/Users/lars/Documents/Code/riot/examples/hello-world'
Launching build container using image "riot/riotbuild:latest".
docker run --rm -t -u "$(id -u)" \
-v '/private/var/db/timezone/tz/2019b.1.0/zoneinfo/Europe/Helsinki:/etc/localtime:ro' -v '/Users/lars/Documents/Code/riot:/data/riotbuild/riotbase:delegated' -e 'RIOTBASE=/data/riotbuild/riotbase' -e 'CCACHE_BASEDIR=/data/riotbuild/riotbase' -e 'BUILD_DIR=/data/riotbuild/riotbase/build' -e 'RIOTPROJECT=/data/riotbuild/riotbase' -e 'RIOTCPU=/data/riotbuild/riotbase/cpu' -e 'RIOTBOARD=/data/riotbuild/riotbase/boards' -e 'RIOTMAKE=/data/riotbuild/riotbase/makefiles' \
-w '/data/riotbuild/riotbase/examples/hello-world/' \
'riot/riotbuild:latest' make
ESP32_SDK_DIR should be defined as /path/to/esp-idf directory
ESP32_SDK_DIR is set by default to /opt/esp/esp-idf
larseggert / uf16.h
Created July 5, 2017 06:28 — forked from mikkelfj/uf16.h
Proposed reference spec and implementation for QUIC time delta floating point format
* uf16.h has been renamed ufloat16.h.

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  • I am larseggert on github.
  • I am larse ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAY4OC2aQe4lHWDXUMarexvVxI1-aUlcDK_hrno3lbr_Ao

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